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Everything posted by cheese20323

  1. cheese20323

    need ideas on a new project veh.

    Thats what im looking for, but it a little far to drive. you wanna drive it for me cheese? Drive it to your house? No way thats too far...if I was into wagons I would get it...Seems like a nice car.
  2. cheese20323

    need ideas on a new project veh.

  3. cheese20323

    RE XXX6.5c components

  4. I'm prety sure you will still hear the rears. And when your cruising and don't want to bump the sub then were will the rears be? If you don't like the rears keep them off HU power and bridge the amp. Regardless, if your running the amp bridged you still need all 4 rca's.
  5. He has a wagon there not on a rear deck they will not be getting the air pressure the sub is going to produce. I have 2 12's on 1600 rms and they keep up fine running 100rms to each and they sound nicely over the sub.
  6. Trust. Connect the rears to the amp first they sound 100x louder than HU power they keep up with sub my and sound good...connect one with a small cable close to the amp and connect just to see how they sound your ears will hurt.
  7. cheese20323

    need ideas on a new project veh.

    How bout a blazer somethin?
  8. cheese20323

    need ideas on a new project veh.

    a nissan 240sx...
  9. cheese20323

    First Container of SA Woofers from Yesterday

    Thats like 10k in subs...DAMN!
  10. cheese20323

    2010 LA Auto Show!

    So I went to the auto show for thanksgiving and got pics for you guys.
  11. cheese20323

    I need some help with a situation..

    She prob told you its broken so she can keep it.
  12. cheese20323

    05 Nissan Altima SE-R Build!

    The HIDs are 8k and hes getting 8k fogs soon.
  13. cheese20323

    05 Nissan Altima SE-R Build!

    I'm visiting my bro next week so new pics on that next week of the current setup.
  14. cheese20323

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    That sounds more like it. I have an for my Type R's decided to keep the other pair and those shits are LOUD! Too bad my deck suck s and I don't have a rear output so fronts just for now...Keep it up swaggerwagon
  15. cheese20323

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    start installing the rear fill! They will be missed!
  16. cheese20323

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    The alpines will be needed I think they might sound better than my RE components and they make your whole car sound better not just the back.
  17. cheese20323

    Dear Scott and Nick

    Is it like getting called from like a celebrity or something? I want a cal too but I havent ordered anything.
  18. cheese20323

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    Yeah..I personally have Black MAgic and its worked the best for me..and leaves it a good smell...mostly things with dark color are the ones that work best..subs get cleaned nicely with that too.
  19. cheese20323

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    i wish it was $8.50... and the was supposed to be a lol. so ur sayin hook up all (-) wires first then (+) wires? Just the + wire from the batts.
  20. cheese20323

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    Looking good....reccomendation you have tire foam? Put it on your dash speakers and etc and it makes them look all shiny if you noticed when I sent you mine they were all shiny if it didn't fade away they usually last like 3 weeks shiny and so does your whole dash.
  21. cheese20323

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    yea thanks. i want to get one now so bad... but i need cash. lol. im in highskool making min wage. $7.25/hr. i plan on having a amp by the end of the month. then do + ? what do youi mean by that? Last time i checked min..wage is 8.50? The positive wire....
  22. cheese20323

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    I'd say run the wires for the amp first like the speakers and remote first then do + and make sure to put the fuse until the end and don't connect your battery until everything is double checked.
  23. cheese20323

    Chese20323's Build Log!!!:)

    You have to have everything with the signature install...for signature amps.