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Everything posted by Eastman474

  1. Eastman474

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    Have you thought about putting resin the inside the box. Fiberglass resin?? because i am building the box with fiberglass and some mdf bracing and framework . do you think fiberglass is a bad idea?
  2. Eastman474

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    okay cool thanks. anymore updates on when theyre gonnastart shipping out?? Sorry just sooo pumped!haha
  3. Eastman474

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    hey jacob I ordered four already and ive slowly been building the box but its hard with school right now . but i was wondering if you think deadening the interior of the box would cause a gain in spl? i already have the rest of my truck deadened thanks.
  4. Okay so im gonna be running four Sundown Audio SA-8's on a SAZ2000d. Im working on building a fiberglass box for them in my Silverado and I have heard some stuff about deadening the interior of the enclosure to gain spl and sq as well. Is this true? If so what kinds of deadener would you recomend? im guessing spray but any suggestions are helpful thanks.
  5. Eastman474

    Deadening interior of eclosure?

    thanks for the tips i planned on doing some bracing just still thinking of how . and ive just heard of the deadening in competition boxes so i thought id ask
  6. Eastman474

    Re-Coned SI BM 10s Blowout - $60 + Shipping Each

    shipped to 93536?
  7. Eastman474

    SA-8 Tuned to 37 Hz - Video

    Any idea on the wattage it was getting at 37 hz?
  8. Eastman474

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    awesome thaank you! well i bet he's gonna be amazed
  9. Eastman474

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    I am going to order 4 tonight and they will be in my chevy silverado extra cab . which will give me a higher spl porting all 4 together , in pairs, or each individual?oh and just wondering have you ran them on there rms rating and seen what they do on the meter?