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Posts posted by ChargerOn22s

  1. wtf is with all the dirty south rap SHIT? Yeah it has some good bass...but that's it. I havn't heard a single "dirty south" rap song with any sort of clever lyrics that tell any sort of story. It's all the same stupid shit.

    So you are b!tching but then dont put down any other songs????

  2. very nice. is there a way to pop the amp out to make adjustments without taking the box and shit out too?

    I think thats his plan when he finished it. He is going to make a couple ways for me to get to the amp and my battery.

    I just need to start on sound dampening before, these subs are just destroying my trunk and upper deck haha. Its sounds horrible!

  3. thats some of it. I have a lot downstairs. :D I am trying to get ready for my crown royal room.

    Oh haha maaaaan I wasn't sure if that was yours or just a pic you got online that's pretty cool

    Crown Royal room sounds pretty cool like a bar/lounge area?

    oh ya bro. I will be painting the room with a theme. I have a pool table that is getting the crown royal purple felt. A little later down the road I will have a L-shape bar put in with crown royal seats, ect ect :D It will be a nice little bar area ;D
