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Everything posted by swagger_wagon468

  1. swagger_wagon468

    Dumb shit people say

    The whole intake system can.... I realize that. Lol. He wanted just the drop in filter... and it was a fucking honda civic... with a huge P.O.S. wing that MUST improve aero dynamics... and the spinner hubcaps that are just amazingly badass...
  2. swagger_wagon468

    XCON & ZCON 2011 Product Photos

    Ya see what you just did?! I need another damn keyboard now... SHIT! Nowww myyy kkeeeyys arreee sticckiiinnngg.
  3. swagger_wagon468

    Dumb shit people say

    Had a customer come in today...(like18 years old mind you...) " hey man, can you guys put a K&N filter in for me? I need one because it adds about 25 horsepower."
  4. swagger_wagon468

    SSA Black Friday | 4 Day Event

    Grr... might have to buy something even tho i dont need too. Lol
  5. swagger_wagon468

    Burp a sub

    Subcribing just to have all the rulebooks in one place as im too lazy to look them up.
  6. swagger_wagon468

    Where can I buy a 187?

    Yea the DCON definitely slams the lows. But it plays the highs very well also. I have mine tuned to 32hz. And its a very nice flat response. And thanks man. I love Toyota. I also have another Camry. Same everything as the wagon except its a 2door coupe. Im planning on doing 8 15" ZCONs in the wagon. should be loud. Haha
  7. swagger_wagon468

    Sundown eg

    Both have civic hatch's but hopefully you won't change ur name 3 X's like ^this guy^… lol. Probly sub up... but play with it
  8. swagger_wagon468

    Where can I buy a 187?

    I have a DCON 15 and it is amazing for just 300 watts going to it. (Rated for 300 so perfect match of power) And it makes my window, when half way down, do the wave. Lol. Best $169(shipped) I ever spent. It also retains GREAT SQ, just as all SSA subs do.
  9. swagger_wagon468

    Team SSA welcomes Zack Metts | World Bass Boxing Champion

    will HE be doing a build log? Im ready for pics.
  10. swagger_wagon468

    Team SSA welcomes Zack Metts | World Bass Boxing Champion

    Any updates???
  11. swagger_wagon468

    4 re audio se 15's or 1 zcon 15?

    I have to ask... was ur girl prego?
  12. swagger_wagon468

    Sooo.. I got a gift and it's almost here

    Get a big ass amp to match the big ass alt!
  13. swagger_wagon468

    Sooo.. I got a gift and it's almost here

    Shit... get 2 1000w AP amps.
  14. swagger_wagon468

    Sooo.. I got a gift and it's almost here

    Kicker zx1500? Saz2k? Plenty of 1k@ 2ohm amps. Just get off your lazy arse and look you lazy sack!! Me wants alt.
  15. swagger_wagon468

    The UPS driver struggled with this one...

    DAT ASS! I can't wait to do my wall! Everyday i get more and more ancy.
  16. swagger_wagon468

    My truck and last system

    Did you ever get it metered? Very nice!
  17. swagger_wagon468

    2012 SSA Tri-Fold Brochures

    I would like a stack as well. :)on ill hand them out whenever/wherever I can.
  18. swagger_wagon468

    Silverado by Epicenter Designs

    ^^ x2
  19. swagger_wagon468

    Silverado by Epicenter Designs

    Wow. Crazy amazing work! No I know where I am putting my amps when I do my wall!
  20. swagger_wagon468

    Walled off Accord

    Googling/creeping now.
  21. swagger_wagon468

    Is this a good trade?

    If it were me, I would ask for $100...
  22. swagger_wagon468

    Is this a good trade?

    Depends how much cash...
  23. swagger_wagon468

    Walled off Accord

    Haha. Nice on the level 1,2,3,4 thing. Lol. I always have my system on full tilt while driving (except neighborhoods, stoplights etc...)... and I've never even been pulled over... glad u didn't get a ticket.
  24. swagger_wagon468

    Walled off Accord

    Shouldddddd be.