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Posts posted by swagger_wagon468

  1. so, i only have a few min to type before work. ...

    but My mom, Julie Bowers, is trying to do the S.G.K Breast Cancer Awareness 3-day 60mi walk this year. she signed up for this a few months ago and has had a very hard time getting donations.

    how it works is you must meet the required donation amount in order for you to do the walk.

    i belikeve she needs a total of $2800 by Oct 19th.

    Now recently my Grandma was diagnosed with Breat Cancer. (after my mom signed up)

    Luckily the cancer did not spread to her Lynphnodes. so she is doing fine now. she had both removed and no radiation is needed. :)

    not only am i wanting my mom to be able to raise money for the great cause, i would love for her to be commited to this walk.

    My mom means so much to me and i love her to death.

    She is a very large woman and has been for a long time. and she is finally ready to do something about it :fing34:

    So, if you would like to donate to help both the cause and my mom, you could either send the donation to me via PAYPAL and i could transfer to my bank send a check in the name of SSA. or i could send you a form , which has my mom's ID number on it, to fill out and you could send the check in. Either way is fine with me. when i get home from work, i will try to scan a copy of the form and maybe you could print it out.

    every little bit counts. :)



    Thanks you in advance.


    and lmk if this is against any rules.

  2. Aaron, that would be awesome about the donations. My grandma had surgery for breast cancer a few weeks back... it didn't spread, so no radiation. Thanks God. I would rock a pink one if the were mens shirts. I still gotta get some shirts... been slacking.
