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Posts posted by MikeMartel

  1. Im not sure ill be able to base the quality of his products just by talking to him? Iv just heard from a heard that the soft parts are great, and some people saying the soft parts are terrible.

    -Thanks for the help though. :)

  2. Iv basically heard two opposite ends of the spectrum on this one, Iv seen multiple posts saying that PSI is awful, and then many post saying that PSI is great. Im terribly confused. If you have some experience with PSI or PSI recones id like to get the actual answer just in case I end up dealing with them sometime in the future.

  3. Well, Blak right now Iv got my BTL on only 1500wrms in about a 5.5cuft box in my car right now. Sefugi made a link to my build log. And to be honest it sounds awesome, the main reason im building this new box is to fire it into the cabin. Id 100% buy the N2.

  4. Alright, this just might be me being stupid but here it goes. Someone locally has Three SA-12's up for sale and i was kind of curious what your opinions on this was. Iv had no experience with SA-12's at all, and i was only curious if this would be more of an upgrade or a downgrade on my part? Id be keeping the amplifier i have now, an AB 100.1 so ill be running about ~1500wrms. Im thinking if it would be an upgrade in my part ill trade him my BTL for his 3 SA-12's.

    The main reason I think this would be a good trade is 2 reason:

    -more cone area with the SA-12's

    -more motor force with multiple subs

    So if the QUALITY of the subs is on par... i might try this out. Not sure though id like to hear everyones opinion, Preferably people with experience.
