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Everything posted by DarkTinman

  1. DarkTinman

    So this is crazy

    Anyone interested on giving me input?
  2. DarkTinman

    So this is crazy

    Well i plan on buying a 4500D sundown and i am not sure with the dual inputs how that works out. And what do you guys recommend for a amp like that? I will have a 270xp DC power alternator and currently i have a 1800HC battery. I think i want to get either 2 2400's and maybe add 2 more later. Or get 2 3400's. I know that they are expensive and honestly i am leaning toward the 2400's, but do you think that can sustain the amp? I won't just have those two batteries forever but probably for a while... Also, i would be pushing 2 DC audio level 4's with level 5 soft parts.
  3. Thanks for the bump. Sorry to hear that Ohjay lol! You need to come down here! Yeah Justin! If you can! I am sure that after the mob up we will be hanging out if your interested!
  4. Bumping because everyone needs to be there/see this!
  5. DarkTinman

    loudest $300 sub

    JACKHAMMER BRO. Lol. Honestly, jk x10
  6. If your interested, please post up that you plan on going! It would be nice to have a gauge of how many people are going!!
  7. DarkTinman

    2 18's in the accord

    Haha thanks, will do! Video too Haha i'm trying! I already hit above a 140. I have a 143.3. And my box isn't even done, nor do i have a big amp pushing my woofersDon't know why then my roof is rattling like shit lol. No dude, mine does too. I know exactly what you mean. What i do though to help is take the sunroof and open it just a crack. That way it can just move up and down and not rattle. I know what you mean though man
  8. DarkTinman

    2 18's in the accord

    I already hit above a 140. I have a 143.3. And my box isn't even done, nor do i have a big amp pushing my woofers
  9. DarkTinman

    2 18's in the accord

    Thank you. Ugh yeah, it pisses me off so much. I found out though, if you pull the "moon roof" (i'm told that's whats in my accord) back a bit, it doesn't rattle as much
  10. DarkTinman

    2 18's in the accord

    So there is a lot done. Just haven't taken picture of it. Sorry. But i do have pictures of some "new" upgrades. I use quotes because this is kinda old for me lol. Yeah no cut off yet, they are projectors, but still don't shine in any ones face. Security light Viper
  11. DarkTinman

    Arizona meet

    Heck yeah dude. Lets have a meet lol!
  12. DarkTinman

    Arizona meet

    Hey guys, i was wondering if anyone would be interested in having a meet. Yes this would be for people in Arizona because I'm sure you don't want to drive all the way down from california or where ever. Anyways, I wanted to get a grasp on what attention and interest people would have in doing this. If enough people want to, we could totally organize something and get together. Let me know what you guys think!
  13. So we got "rained out." Which is good and bad. Everyone got to do a run of SPL and then either this coming weekend or next weekend, dave is going to plan another show to finish the runs. If you didn't come out this weekend, come out to this next one!! You would've been okay. We didn't do any testing till like 1-3. I just say 1-3 because i don't remember the times that well. It was kinda crazy
  14. I talked to Dave myself today and he said the show will still go on! Be there! Also, stef, i was planning on it bro!
  15. DarkTinman

    Arizona meet

    Haha just a bit. Looking at that last post i posted, that was super creepy. Haha. But seriously come man. No maybes
  16. I have 2 18 inch DC level 4 with 5 softparts in them in a wall in the back of my Accord. I'm not spoiled. I have paid for everything in and about my system. And the amp for now is a 1800 kenwood (lol) till i get a 3.5k DC amp. Hey and just yesterday, i was bumping at a red light, this guy that pulled over to the right of me with his wife was saying something, so i turned down my music and then he goes, "dang that's pretty loud but check this out" and turns up his stock speakers as loud as they can go. We both laughed and his wife was pissed. Then i played another bass song for him and he gave me the thumbs up when the light turned green. I had like 4 experiences like that yesterday alone. Plus, if no one plays their bass loud, how will you know what other of "us" are out there? I have given demos to random people and i have been pulled over by people for demos. Couldn't have happened if i didn't play it loud.
  17. Well duh. It's stuff like that that gets real audio enthusiasts get into trouble. Maybe. But i don't understand why it's okay for cars to rev their engines when they have a exhaust on and not get into trouble or ruin their "sport." I don't understand why motorcycles can be loud and also rev their engines at people without any consequences. Yes, we can turn down our volume, but they can quiet their cars/motorcycles too. I play at full tilt 24.7 unless i am in a neighborhood. It's legal to a certain extent and i am going to do it. I might think about stopping once motorcycles and loud cars "turn down" their shit first. If you don't like it, roll up your window. If you can still hear it, get over it or stop driving around with the risk of having to hear it
  18. Glad you got everything figured out! I was about to post about how i have a Kenwood 1800 watt amp and that thing always gets hot but plays like a champ. I do understand what you mean when you say limiter in the amp itself. But i am glad you got an amp you wanted and you could always look into get a DC amp
  19. DarkTinman

    Arizona meet

    Dude... If i have to find out where you live, Google [ ] map stalk you [ ], find your number [ ], and drag you out to get you there. I will. I promise bro
  20. Just wanted to bump and say to all of you AZ bass lovers out there... Show up!! I know me and another team member will be there! If you want to ride in with us, send me a PM!
  21. DarkTinman

    Arizona meet

    I know for a fact Clay is making the meet. You have to come man! You gotta see my unfinished ghetto wall!!
  22. DarkTinman

    which voltmeter

  23. DarkTinman

    Amp Rack/ False Floor

    Um, depends. Some people think it does and some people think it doesn't. In my opinion it does but not in a horrible way. Yeah that's what i am talking about. Try to get it flush with the false floor
  24. DarkTinman

    which voltmeter

    Lol he said not from Ebay either
  25. DarkTinman

    Amp Rack/ False Floor

    For heat dissipation and cooling = What you could do, but which would take a bit of work. Put in the false floor and amp rack. Carpet over all of it make it look "pretty." Then get small squares of 2x4's and screw them in to where your amp would normally screw in to the amp rack. So this way, you are actually raising up the amp and putting more space between the amp rack and the amp itself. I hope that's not too confusing... So what your saying is do not mount the amp straight onto a piece of wood? Basiclly give the amp space on the top (the cutout in the floor) and the bottom (the small squares that are attached to the bottom floor) Um... You can mount it on to a piece of wood but if you want it to look good then carpet it. I am saying to put small 2x4's inbetween your amp rack and your amp. So there is a gap under the amp for it to "breathe." And then I'm not sure what you mean when you are talking about the cutout in the floor. Maybe i didn't read your first post correctly but where are you trying to install this amp? In your trunk? Backseat?