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Posts posted by djn412

  1. Not yet but I will. I just figured since I had his personal cell phone number that that would be the best way to reach him. Every time I called him before the purchase he would answer, so I figured he would still answer. But I guesss I was wrong. Emailing him now though thanks.

  2. I was wondering what happened to Sean from FI. I placed my order with him a little over 2 weeks ago(supposedly straight through him on what he told me was his personal cell phone number) anyways i've been calling him just about everyday since because I wanted to change the color of the logo on the dustcaps but I am unable to get a hold of him. Also he hasnt even taken the money out of my bank account for the order yet. I'm local to them so I was told I would be able to pick them up(really doesnt have anything to o with my issue)but he doesnt answer any of my calls. Can anybody on here get a hold of him and let him know that I want to change my dustcap color for me? If not I may just switch companies to purchase my woofers through, thanks.
