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Posts posted by azagtoth502

  1. CCA is a marketing gimmick.  Hopefully you bought it for the color and not the performance...


    Why though? I mean I know it's current rating is less & takes more strands iirc   But say someone who's only running around 1k watts isn't it ok ?


    Hate to be a ball buster, but here goes.


    I was going to order some more protein powder from TrueNutrition, until I saw how much they charged for shipping. 16 bucks for 5 lbs. of powder. The reason I'm bringing this up:


    1.) That's nearily thrice what BB.com charges. Obviously it differs for quantity. For shits and giggles I tried an experiment and they'll ship 6 10 lb. tubs of powder for $15. They'll also ship 6 4 lb. or 5 lb. tubs for $13. However, even at the low end of the scale, a single 4 or 5 pound tub will ship for $6.

    2.) With shipping, it comes out to 43 dollars for 5 lbs., and this isn't even whey. It's 40% Rice, 40% Gemma Pea, 10% Dextrose, 10% Maltodextrin. 5 lb. tubs of 100% whey are readily available for roughly the same amount from BB.com.




    Are you also factoring in that the 5lbs from TN is a TRUE 5 lbs of protein THEN your flavors, sweeteners etc. are added in? Also is this your price after using the discount code JNR490 displayed in my signature?



    Gotta remember that extra weight can really add up. Additionally the ingredients are from much more reliable sources  than many 'big box' company's BB sells. 



    Even factoring those into account, it still does not add up. For comparison, I went back to TN.com and made the same mix: 40% Gemma Pea, 40% Rice, 10% Maltodextrin, 10% Dextrose, Premium Dutch Chocolate Fudge. This time, however, I put in 50 lbs. Applied discount.




    Back to BB.com. Take any random 5 lb. tub of powder. Adjust the quantity to ten units, for 50 lbs. total. Also seems to work with five 10 lbs. tubs.





    Gatdamn that's a lotta protein
