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Everything posted by emperorjj1

  1. emperorjj1

    Second Skin USACI Event

    damn im gonna have to wake up early to get to register on time then sounds like a good 20 cars minimum from what i hear on the forums. and another 5-6 if everyone pulls thru locally (doubt it thou)
  2. emperorjj1

    Second Skin USACI Event

    ANT, can we donate canned goods and livestock??? Jk, that is cool with me. Clarify: To show our car in the show = to entering the competition or a separate event? from what i read on the site it sounds like the car show and usaci comp are seperate. BUT to get in the gate to do the usaci part you have to donate for the car show
  3. emperorjj1

    Second Skin SPL Plate

    So this is what you get when you combine Second Skins new top of the line vibration dampener and a lil bit of rattle from the rear bumper.... Just when you thought my car couldnt get heavier LOL ~8.5 sheets of SPL Plate adding ~2.5 sheets of damp pro The rattle would completely go away if the tabs holding the bumper on top are pressed hard as hell so i probably could have just put a strip of overkill and been fine but thats no fun, I do plan on doing the over kill too just in case but that will have to be tomorrow.
  4. id hit up kenwood see if they can help. i know i had some issues with bluetooth and they helped me get it figured out. may need a hard reset or something
  5. emperorjj1

    Second Skin USACI Event

    cant wait to see you guys there....
  6. getting ready for the second skin comp oct 17th

  7. getting ready for the second skin comp oct 17th

  8. getting ready for the second skin comp oct 17th

  9. emperorjj1

    sealing off the trunk

    thanks denim. Ya i need to get some finished pics up. I do have a vid of the car, sadly cant see the panel and i actually have done a little bit to help seal it up since the vid (but now im having amp issues) fuck it lol lol oddly enough it was normal hot glue. I was very skeptical that it would hold with the resin but it actually held up very well.
  10. emperorjj1

    DC Shaped Port Build + TL #s

    I was thinkin the same thing haha. lol he replied to me on his topic on ***... i dont remember what he said about it but it is fixed now along with some other improvements
  11. might have had the subs wire wrong or something. i know i blew my first amp by swapping one neg/pos on a quad coil mt. same exact thing happened. popped the controller and blew every one of the power supply fets
  12. one thing i strongly recommend is you check up on how good of a repair shop or person or whatever you are taking it to. Because swapping parts is easy getting it so its fixed and working isn't so easy. If this guy just knows how to solder and thats it you may want to just have it fixed by someone who knows what they are doing. put in that controller backwards and holy shit
  13. mind if i ask why the xover was set so high? oh ya what drivers and what impedance was the setup? the "chip" as you call it is the amp controller. the brain of the amp persay, the click was probably it blowing up and the fets blew with all that power
  14. i gained a lil bit by spraying my box with spectrum.... now i need to figure out how to get my amp happy again
  15. emperorjj1

    Door Pods vs Stock Location + Deadening

    I think I'll take a step back and just do some more research before doing anything. Your right though, that grill is smaller than the speaker will be. Its a pretty crappy grill design if you ask me. Then again ,sound quality apparently wasn't too much of a focus for Ford in this situation. By the way, where would I find those Hertz comps at? I never could find too much in the way of pricing etc. , so I never gave them a closer look. - Thanks gotta find a local dealer. hertz is very protective of their name and dealers.... awesome speakers. where are u located man. i might be able to do some leg work for ya
  16. emperorjj1

    DC Shaped Port Build + TL #s

    sweet cant wait
  17. emperorjj1

    Door Pods vs Stock Location + Deadening

    lol i just looked at the pics and thought coax my bad. I would double check to see how much woofer is actually visible from behind that grill. If i remember correctly the grill is smaller then the woofer and a 6.5 will sound better if its actually pointed somewhere other then the middle of a door panel. remember your block off plate to get the 6.5 to fit will have to have the woofer smack dab in the middle of the hole.... assuming your not going to cut your metal door panel (which would be sorta stupid and you might as well do door pods then)
  18. emperorjj1

    Door Pods vs Stock Location + Deadening

    i would look into a component regardless. putting a tweet behind that grill stock location isn't going to be a good idea
  19. emperorjj1

    Door Pods vs Stock Location + Deadening

    I'm not going for an SQ set up as much as just trying to maximize the over all sound quality for "my" tastes. When I say "my" tastes I just mean that it might take a little less to satisfy me then some of you guys that have had all kinds of different set ups and been there done that so to speak. I just feel that components like the ones I'm getting or any other nice comp set behind door panels(especially mine) can hinder thier performance. Am I off base on this? the only issue is your comparing apples to oranges here. Lets face the facts: your stock speaker location isn't the worst but its pretty bad, 6.5s will sound better then 5X7s, components will sound better then coax (most of the time) and yes a speaker behind a grill especially as oddly shaped as ur stock one will sound worse then one without said grill. BUT there's alot of different ways to play your cards and honestly both can sound pretty good if you try hard enough. I would think it over first and see how possible its going to be to get those pods made in and looking good. If you have doubts and think it might be too much then spend the money you would on the pods and do something like the hertz energy 5X7 component set with the tweeters mounted in the a pillar or flush mounted somewhere in the door. Add a door pack of second skin damp pro into the mix and maybe even a speaker tweeker behind the woofer and youll have one damn badass "stock" setup.
  20. emperorjj1

    Door Pods vs Stock Location + Deadening

    lol i know ive seen that pic somewhere... um i would think the pods would do quite a bit but unless you have them sealed sound dampening would help too. If you can pull it off id lean towards the door pods. That cdt setup was in a tacoma and sounded awesome btw I guess credit goes to you then for the pic and I guess you would be the right one to talk too about this given the example lol. How much did something like that run you if you don't mind me asking. Also, what did you do in the way of sound deadening. I wouldn't have to deaden the door like I was gonna put the speakers in the door. Would I? It was actually done by an employee of the shop i work at for his own truck. He's the one who has built everything in my car too. So i don't think there's really a price on it other then materials and he already has quite a bit + equipment and paint ect... So for someone walking in the door wanting something like that I'd guess ~800 including the speakers. I'm not really sure thou because there's alot of factors and since I'm really not the one that does any of the fiberglass stuff I'm not 100% sure the time it would take to build and paint those.
  21. emperorjj1

    DC Shaped Port Build + TL #s

    looks nice drew... what happened with that dustcap?
  22. emperorjj1

    Door Pods vs Stock Location + Deadening

    lol i know ive seen that pic somewhere... um i would think the pods would do quite a bit but unless you have them sealed sound dampening would help too. If you can pull it off id lean towards the door pods. That cdt setup was in a tacoma and sounded awesome btw
  23. emperorjj1

    sealing off the trunk

    got the panel itself installed (still need seats and trim and such) close.... 149.3 still need to seal off the rear deck thou we'll see
  24. emperorjj1

    Dark Skin

    looks nice. as long as it says SSA on it somewhere that's good enough for me