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Everything posted by TranceAddict

  1. TranceAddict

    Trying to drop some weight

    Thats awesome bro ,keep up the good work ! Keep us posted . Just keep dabbing at it . Its not overnight process but a little tweak here and there ,it'll all come through . Good luck with your progress
  2. TranceAddict

    Very tired after workouts.

    Yeah pre-workout drinks always does the jobs for me . After a long days of work it has a pick me up/second wind and your ready to go ! Try spreading the meals throughout the day . 4-6meals . I go 6-8 meals cutting or bulking its best to spread them out through the day . Most people eat 2-3 large meals ed and the large meals will put you to sleep
  3. TranceAddict

    How much can you bench?

    You should man, it really is a stress reliever, especially if you do twice your weight. ^amen brotha ...best stress reliever . Well except for sex I put all that negative energy when I get stressed and it'll make you focus and lift harder . So from neg to pos ,I think that helps us in return !
  4. TranceAddict

    How much can you bench?

    That is the typical question people get ...? lol how much can you bench ? And for golfers ...how far can you drive ? Well I dont max out and Im not a powerlifter but consider myself a bodybuilder so mind over muscle . Incline 315 for 10reps was my best . I dont want to injur myself . I've injured myself over the years and it'll set you back . We arent getting any younger and our bodies react differently when we get older . So got to be smart and let your ego go sometimes but you know your bodies limits and tell it when to stop .
  5. TranceAddict

    How did you guys find SSA???

    A knowledgeable member from acurazine recommended me to get the XCONS and stumbled across the board . Havnt ried any of your products but looks promising from the videos and the hype
  6. Damn that was right up my alley . I've never been to any of these events