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Posts posted by industrial_vnz0

  1. thanks brother here in South America and most of all in Venezuela there is very good potential in the car audio trouble is that there is so much variety here in the U.S. as only one can bring there.

    I have the box design helped me in panama resideciado a Venezuelan named Javier Duque, although I said that would mark much sound good and that's what I want.

    if women here are very beautiful: 28b7d6f.jpg

  2. Greetings from Venezuela.

    This is my first topic in the forum and it's my first serious work on my car. so I would love for their opinions and to clarify my doubts.

    I have a pair of DD subwoofer amplified ap1500.1 1512th and the great problem I have with the box because I get 4 cubic feet net excluding subwoofer or the port, including low I get 3 cubic feet net internal excluding Port and I believe that less than 1.75 feet low with 1500 rms not going to pay anything.


