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Everything posted by Austin863

  1. Austin863

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    Got the bike in the back and headin to the track Wednesday!
  2. Austin863

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    sounds good. i cant wait to get it in.
  3. Austin863

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    so building a ported box this week. Gonna get that in there and get a little louder. Been thinking about it. not gonna get a seccond one. here around christmas time im gonna get 3 more on top of the one i have. not sure about going ported or sealed yet tho. we will see how i like this ported box. but will deff have high res pics and updates on this bad boy.
  4. Austin863

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    Lets port it and see what we can get!
  5. Austin863

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    Pullin a 132.2db @ 40htz in a sealed enclosure and a single gcon taking 950w @ 2 ohms on my ap15001d.
  6. Austin863

    2 12inch ssa zcons

    Me too! By the way, I have 2 12" 1 ohm zcon's on a saz2500d at 1 ohm in my s-10. I seriously need to do some bracing. They get down visicously. Wouldn't trade them for the world! Do you have them both on the 2500d or both on separate 2500d?
  7. Austin863


    okay i understand so basically you're sub is going to see a range of different amounts of watts. i gotcha. not just a constant 1500w alright Yes, the maximum output of the amp will be lower then it's rated 1500w because the impedance will be higher then 1ohm, and of course, music is dynamic. Okay cool thanks for the info man. Ill keep all that stuff in mind.
  8. Austin863


    Okay so i'm designing my box for the 2nd Gcon 15'' and i'm thinking about going with 10^3ft box and i wanna know what a recommended tuning for it would be and how i would measure the port hole. Recommended was between 28-33hz and the recommended optimal ported was 4.00-6.00ft cubed per sub. let me know
  9. Austin863


    okay i understand so basically you're sub is going to see a range of different amounts of watts. i gotcha. not just a constant 1500w alright
  10. Austin863


    I would like to know haha curious.
  11. Austin863


    Yes, but my amp is going to run both the drivers at 750w a piece its a AP15001D so it will be at 1 ohm running both of the drivers at 1500w. thats just how we are gonna have it set up
  12. Austin863


    It will be at exactly what the RMS is required 1500 @ 750 a piece @ 1 ohm on the amp.
  13. Austin863


    how do you work this WinISD?
  14. Austin863


    Okay i see what you mean cool thanks man ill take that knowledge im gonna jump over there to that WinISD
  15. Austin863


    Whichever makes better use of the space in the vehicle. well its going in my van so probably width. Can you explain to me more what port speed is and all that stuff i'm learning yet and i am not sure what that means
  16. Austin863


    yeah i mean i can go more width or height or length. i mean what do you suggest more width would be my guess right?
  17. Austin863


    Dimensions of H= 2' | L= 3' 3.5'' | w= 1' 3.5"|
  18. Austin863


    Haha i figured you were using it for example bro. haha but here this is what im thinking of.
  19. Austin863


    also the box isn't gonna be 12x12x12 its gonna be different dimesnsions to make it more convenient for the space its fitting into.
  20. Austin863


    Well yes i mean at 10.5^3ft it will work out well since the minimum for optimal ported is 8.00^3ft so that gives me the space for that extra .75in that the Board will take away
  21. Austin863

    16v testing

    yeah i know haha i have an audio pipe rated for 16v not sure how true to 16v it is but it says it. Why are you bringing up ap in the crescendo section? I apologize im a nab. i didnt relize it was the crescendo sect..
  22. Austin863

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    Future plans are for 2 gcon 15's and future future plans are a wall of 4! haha (:<
  23. Austin863

    16v testing

    yeah i know haha i have an audio pipe rated for 16v not sure how true to 16v it is but it says it.
  24. Austin863

    16v testing

    Mine will take up to 16v so it says and its only a 1500w but i havent tested it yet.
  25. Can anyone tell me a good less expensive 4 channel amp i could buy for my coaxil kicker ds 6.5's? i am looking at a kicker zx. 200.2 now i relize thats a 2 channel but im tryin to keep in my budget.