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Posts posted by Austin863

  1. Welp thats a scratch on the vids GCON is gonna need a re-cone. but the motor and everything is still in great working condition. Purely made in america!

    Lets see if I can get it back together again. Maybe this will get you by until you can order a recone.

    I am thinking the triple joint let go by looking at the picture.

    Alright i was actually thinking the same thing so ill be down monday sometime!

    Okay so the frankin sub is fixed and working again vids up thursday! or tomorrow night, for proof since you haters don't believe us! :P

  2. Not directly under the dash but behind the dash like in the engine room. Just the mlv there tho. i just wanna block some of the engine noise out. because it is really loud. id porobably put cdl and mlv both on the floor do you think that would work?

  3. Welp thats a scratch on the vids GCON is gonna need a re-cone. but the motor and everything is still in great working condition. Purely made in america!

    Lets see if I can get it back together again. Maybe this will get you by until you can order a recone.

    I am thinking the triple joint let go by looking at the picture.

    Alright i was actually thinking the same thing so ill be down monday sometime!

  4. 12x14 will get 168 in of port. I am still playing with that I want at least 180 inches. We are still playing.

    couldnt we put another in and a half on the lenght? would that make a difference?

    Did he look and see what pipe he has?

    We can do 3 6" areos, no problem.

    No i was hopping to go up today bud i had to go home for dinner....

    When you find out text me, I will be at work all weekend.

    Okay well saturday we are going to pittsburg and sunday idk if i work or not so we will see.

  5. 12x14 will get 168 in of port. I am still playing with that I want at least 180 inches. We are still playing.

    couldnt we put another in and a half on the lenght? would that make a difference?

    Did he look and see what pipe he has?

    We can do 3 6" areos, no problem.

    No i was hopping to go up today bud i had to go home for dinner....

  6. With aeroports you can get away with less port area but not that much. I looked up specs and found xmax at 22mm. I think you should shoot for closer to 200 in^2 of port area. 2 6" aeros are not even 60 in^2.

    Granted my Q has a higher xmax and I'm tuned fairly low but I have over 100 in^2 for one. On my SD X12 I jumped up port area on one of the boxes and there was a big difference in output.

    I'm not a pro box builder by any means. But I've built enough crappy boxes to learn a little haha.

    Edit: I'm looking at your print again. You have 12" dia port on that one. That would be 113 in^2 which is a lot better.

    Correct and dont forget to include the lenght as well. i know 12'' is a big hole haha but if we go 2 6'' with 7'' of length then it should get a nice little tune going correct? still learning but this is what nem had explained to me.

  7. The GCON lives!
    Vids or it didn't happen wink.png

    -Jamie M.

    I am sure he will chime in, but my son they put the sub in and he was making it do some work.

    Con gave me a couple workout songs for the sub but i didnt push it i was making sure all was good but ill have a vid or 2 up this weekend no doubt! :)

  8. haha cant afford a new car man im only 17 i need somehting i can pay straight up for but im keeping the van and putting the 18s in there and the gcon in the car. so we will see how everything goes. but i would like more opinions aswell thanks for yours jamie!

  9. 18's move a MIND BLOWING amount of air. Two 18's would knock the socks off any of your Kicker fanboi friends. I'm not sure which two SSA 18's you could push to their max on your ap1500, even a pair of xcon's could take 2500rms total.

    A single 18 zcon would be amazing too, but I think would work better with a little more than your ap1500, maybe ap3000d? smile.png

    -Jamie M.

    i agree but main priority is a car after i sell my dirtbike bacause of the gass prices and stuff. but whatever money is left after that i will be looking into an amp because this ap1500 we already tested the xcons on it haha they are glorious and they freakin pound

  10. Okay haha as you all have seen the beating im putting on this gcon what would you guys suggest. 4 of them or should i go with 2 18s? especially in my van. id like some bigger series looking at xcons or a single zcon 18. i know its a big step up but i need something that will take my beatings and i wanna be louder than the kicker families at school haha. gotta show them what SSA is all about and no thats not how i screwed up my sub haha. but i need some recomendations on subs im going to be running them on my ap1500 for now and after i get a car the Gcon is going in there and the van will be my bass wagon. So help me out guys what do you think like a wise nem once said ''do not rush'' so im taking it easy getting some feedback and some tips. help me out fellas.
