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Posts posted by AMI CUSTOMS

  1. Here is my input on what I have found to be optimum in sound and overall performance (SPL) for both the HDC3 and HDC4.  Now there are several versions of both of these subs and I have tested countless hours with both.  This is my recommendation, it isn't intended to be the end all BEST but will get you really damn close smile.png


    All recommendations are with alum coil D1 subs.  Single sub setup, simply multiply for multi sub setups, works great in my testing. 


    HDC3 old version (Old Style basket) Stiff suspension


    1k input power

    HDC310 - 2.0 cube net with 18 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 36-41 hz

    HDC312 - 3.0 cube net with 18 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 34-39 hz

    HDC315 - 5.0 cube net with 18 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 35-40 hz

    HDC318 - 6.5 cube net with 18 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 33-38 hz


    2k input power

    HDC310 - 1.5 cube net with 17 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 36-41 hz

    HDC312 - 2.5 cube net with 17 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 34-39 hz

    HDC315 - 4.0 cube net with 17 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 35-40 hz

    HDC318 - 5.5 cube net with 17 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 33-38 hz


    HDC3 current version


    1k input power

    HDC310 - 1.5 cube net with 17 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 36-41 hz

    HDC312 - 2.5 cube net with 17 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 34-39 hz

    HDC315 - 4.0 cube net with 17 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 35-40 hz

    HDC318 - 5.5 cube net with 17 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 33-38 hz


    2k input power

    HDC310 - 1.25 cube net with 16 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 36-41 hz

    HDC312 - 2.25 cube net with 16 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 34-39 hz

    HDC315 - 3.75 cube net with 16 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 35-40 hz

    HDC318 - 5.25 cube net with 16 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 33-38 hz


    HDC4 old version (soft suspension)


    2k input power

    HDC412 - 2.75 cube net with 18 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 34-39 hz

    HDC415 - 4.5 cube net with 18 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 35-40 hz

    HDC418 - 6.0 cube net with 18 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 33-38 hz


    4k input power

    HDC412 - 2.25 cube net with 17 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 34-39 hz

    HDC415 - 3.5 cube net with 17 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 35-40 hz

    HDC418 - 5.25 cube net with 17 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 33-38 hz


    HDC4 current version (stiff suspension)


    2k input power

    HDC412 - 3.0 cube net with 18 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 34-39 hz

    HDC415 - 5.0 cube net with 18 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 35-40 hz

    HDC418 - 6.5 cube net with 18 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 33-38 hz


    4k input power

    HDC412 - 2.25 cube net with 17 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 34-39 hz

    HDC415 - 3.75 cube net with 17 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 35-40 hz

    HDC418 - 5.5 cube net with 17 sq inch port area per cube - tune between 33-38 hz



    You will notice the HDC3 and HDC4 like the same tuning based on power and suspension.  I have built multiple boxes with different tuning to test how these really performed and these were from my notes on what they really like to get loud.  Hope this is helpful. 


    My recommendation on Amp match is HDC3 on budget side SQ1200, loud side SQ2200, HDC4 budget side SQ2200, loud side SQ3500. 


    TEAM SOUNDQUBED - The Black Nasty 160+ db on music daily smile.png

  2. That was a good video, but she's not very intelligent is she. The "OMG, What you got back there?" Question followed by, "I wanna see that trunk!" Had me rolling my eyes. There's something wrong with that woman if she couldn't tell those subs were right behind her head, lol.

    See said " I wanna see that trophy"  lol  and I believe she was in a state of confusion being she just got smashed by 160 db :)

  3. yea, we got it.

    just playin around here fellaz.. geez. you must be tbe randal ///M5 was asking if I was related to.

    another thing does anyone find it odd this guys nickname for his car is the exact same nickname I use for my penis?

    BUT does your dick have world records? Lmao, I would bet it does NOT. :)

  4. That's cool there Andrew. May can do something like this to my 49 verses Dakota Digital.

    Hopefully I can meet up with you at the next big event and discuss it.

    Yes you could and yes we will meet up at the next big event finals was crazy lol.

  5. interesting- I assume it does all the other gauges also? temp, oil pressure, etc

    It does everything but oil pressure, computer doesn't log oil pressure. But there are other codes that would come up to let me know if there is a problem.


    Pmureika, have you heard their pro audio stuff? Can you or anyone comment on how they performed?

    Pro audio products should be bought for pro audio companies, they provide you with all kind of specifications to see if they are meant for your application or not.



    I should be obeying the speed limit to and we all know how that goes.... 

  7. Man i had a 18" AQ HDC3 a few years back. Banged hard on mid and high bass but died off on the lows. My buddy just picked up 3 12" HDS300 and put them in his Ram inverted port up (dont know the exact dimentions of the box but i think it was tuned around 33hz) moves crazy air and sounds great for fairly cheap subs.


    Completely different suspension between the two, that is why they sound so different, amount other things....like the coil and motor size. 

  8. Way back when I first started Audioque, we have been in business over 11 years, I sold Shizzon a HDC3 and two AQ2200D amps. At that time we built the subs in house and machined our own motors. We QCed every sub and amp before shipping but as luck would have it Shizzon's sub had a dead coil when it arrived at Sizzon's. I had him send the sub back to us and we found that a lead wire had come in contact with the basket and shorted out. We were using "direct connect" leads and the clearance between the lead wire and basket spider landing was very tight and we found the lead wire on that  sub could come into contact with the basket if the sub was subject to being handled rough or bounced around in shipping. We corrected the problem on the production line by encasing the lead wire with insulation in the area of the spider landing and sent Sizzon a new sub under our warranty.. We received no more complaints from Sizzon regarding the sub. That was the one and only sub to have that problem.


    In addition I wanted to know what allowed this defect to happen to begin with. I found that the basket we were using was difficult to work with in the production process regarding the placement of the  "direct connect" lead wires. The best fix was to change to a new basket design which took care of the problem. The HDC3 series sub has proven itself to be a very reliable and durable sub over the past 11 years and has set many records in competition. We continue to upgrade the sub with the latest improvements as they become available. We use the best parts and production methods money can buy. We service what we sell and offer drop in recones for all of our subs at very reasonable prices.


    We also sold Sizzon two of our AQ2200D amps from the very first production run. When I decided to get in the amp business I relied on what I had learned from the Digital Designs side of our business. I went to what I thought was the best  Korean amp manufacture available. I wanted to begin with two class D mono amps. One in the 1200 watt range and one in the 2000-2500 watt range. I gave them an open check book. I insisted on the very best of parts, heavy heatsink tooled to our design, and for each amp to have a factory "burn in". It's expensive to have amps made like this but we were "factory direct" sales only and had no "middle men" to pay so manufacturing price was not a problem. We could pay for the best and still sell at very affordable prices.


    We offered the AQ2200D at a very good price and the first run of 200 AQ2200D's sold like hot cakes. Out of this first run of 200 amps we had only two amps come back and as luck would have it they both were Sizzon's. That was a long time ago and to be honest I don't remember all the details but I do remember the amps went back and forth a couple of times with Sizzon claiming the amps were defective and our repair person claiming it was enduser problem. We repaired the amps and or replaced them.


    Long story short Sizzon was not happy. I did the best I could to make him happy, told him the short in the sub was our fault and replaced or fixed the amps. He has bad mouthed us on many occasions and the story gets better each time I read it. Truth is we sold him a sub that was defective, we replaced it. We sold him two amps which when we got them back from him were toast. We replaced them. I will assume they were defective when he got them.


    Our family has been building subs both as an OEM builder for others or building our own products for over 25 years; we are not new kids on the block. We try our best to make the customer happy but every now and then it's impossible. If we make a mistake all we can do is admit it and try to make it right. We do our best to make sure it doesn't happen again.




    My truck is proof on a few of those records :)
