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Everything posted by liljestrand

  1. http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-AUDIOPIPE-APSM-1500-1500-Watt-Mono-Car-Audio-MINI-Amplifier-Amp-APSM1500-/230776669619?pt=Car_Amplifiers&hash=item35bb5c85b3 138 shipped. 500 @ 4 ohms. These are the newer ones being made in korea and testing ive seen they are pretty stout. And they are pretty small.
  2. liljestrand

    BL or Q

    sealed - q ported -bl pretty simple
  3. liljestrand

    Crescendo Audio Amplifiers now on the SSA Store.

    Damn stop making them already?!?! I hope the new line sound as good or better since the price going up. They reworked them since the mp mids had quite a few problems. Stronger basket and mounting for the terminals. No phase plug and instead a dustcap to keep stuff from getting in and rubbing the coil.
  4. liljestrand

    SKAR VVX 12" Replacement?

    Steve please don't get me wrong. Just stated that I don't want to see nutthuggery. I should have included that I just don't want it happening here. Like how it is on every single other forum. Also don't take this as any promotion for skar. I have no problems with their drivers (never heard them) but Kevin is just a shady shithead.
  5. liljestrand

    SKAR VVX 12" Replacement?

    I assumed he meant replacing the sub with new one of that sub. Perhaps he can clarify. Deyoung I don't doubt that but it seems pretty stupid to suggest him buying a whole new sub when there's a simple fix ( assuming my first statement holds true) Sorry if I'm coming off harsh but I really don't want to see the nutthuggery I see all the time on other forums. Especially if he is happy with the sub and some glue would fix his problem.
  6. liljestrand

    SKAR VVX 12" Replacement?

    Why suggest he spends more money when all he has to do is glue the dustcap back on
  7. liljestrand

    Crescendo Audio Amplifiers now on the SSA Store.

    The 1100.4 and bc5500 are great amps. Just picked up my second bc5500
  8. liljestrand

    SSA welcomes Crescendo Audio to the forum and store.

    It is great to see them here. I think it will be awesome for SSA and Crescendo. It will be nice to finally be able to browse their products and view their pricing without needing to email anyone. You never really had to email for prices. All of their prices are listed in threads started about said items. And almost all of their items were shipped prices. But I can't wait for their new website either.
  9. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    I wish you could have gotten a better demo. System wasn't sounding as good as it could have withbeing pushed so hard all day.
  10. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Got a deal on a second bc5500. Gonna strap them at .5 on the sp4s
  11. Went to my first show ever. It was an IASCA/DBDrag combined show. out of 4 events I entered I got a 1st, 2nd, and a 3rd. Took first in idbl ultimate class. Don't know why I was moved to this class to be honest. I was in the stock pro 2 class and technically took 2nd in that class with a 150.3 only losing to a teammate with 2 15" dc neo's and a dc9k. Took second in 129.9 bassrace. I had signed up for the 139.9 class but this was my first time ever doing bassrace and I started off way too low and took it so easy so I had to rush at the end and ended up at 129.8 so they dropped me down. Got to the finals and when I went to hit pause on my remote I accidently hit the down button...which switched albums and I was all sorts of effed at that point. Took 3rd in dbdrag SS 1-2. I was built for iasca so I have to be in a much higher class than I should be in dbdrag so lost to people pulling 154+ And totally messed up bassboxing. Thought my song was ready to go but when I started it had like 3-4 secs of just music with no bass which dropped my score down. Should have been avg 144-146 and ended up at like 141.1 Made a lot of mistakes but it was my first time ever doing bassrace/bassboxing. Hopefully I can get some meter time in with one of the teammates and get better at them. Only picture I got since I couldn't use my phone much cus it was dying.
  12. liljestrand

    Had my first comp today.

    4 15" old style btl's. The triple slug ones. on a american bass 1100.1 I think it was.
  13. liljestrand

    Had my first comp today.

    Def was a lot of fun. Got to meet a lot of the Team NWSPL guys finally. got to sit in that thing today....it was crazy....like it forces you down into your seat. He's got some hertz mids in that thing that are loud and super clear with a ton of midbass.
  14. liljestrand

    SSA welcomes Crescendo Audio to the forum and store.

    Love their amps!
  15. liljestrand

    cresendo audio Ft1-se

    You mean these? Yeah I had to turn them wayyyyyyyy down. I turned the gain down to almost min on my amp and I still have these at -15db on the deck.
  16. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    no its flat...i musta been standing at an angle.
  17. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Future tweeter pod Siliconed these into the heat vent to block off heat. Test fitting the mounting plate And voila Both in And in the car. The box. Notice how snug it fits against the back panels. And showing the kerf around the seat. Box is unfished atm. we decided that if it put up decent numbers that I would end up getting it line-x'd
  18. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Oh man john made it over here. He's on teamnwspl. He's been a great help and one of the builders of the box
  19. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Sealed on dash
  20. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    I will def get some pics tomorrow...i really dont know what happened to them. And its pretty cool cus i can lay down the seats and push the box on them and access the amps and batts. Also I got a pretty crazy idea for the tweets....you guys will have to check back later today to see that.
  21. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    zcons were at 1 ohm 147.5@38hz
  22. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    That is great! I'm glad that you are happy with them. How is your new deck? Its a great deck...def an upgrade from the 880/800 imo. 2 problems that aren't huge but....face is not motorized. So when you put a cd in you gotta close the face. And secondly the sd card slot requires you to remove the faceplate....not HUGE dealbreakers but minor annoyances.
  23. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Pretty damn awesome. This box came out great too...wish I had the damn pictures, it fits the cargo area like a glove.
  24. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Burp @42hz @1ohm Burp @42hz @.25ohm Had some pics of the new box installed but for some reason my phone decided it didnt want to keep them
  25. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Those are what were sent to me. I will be picking the box up tomorrow!