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Everything posted by acex3a

  1. acex3a

    SSaudio's Sound Deadening Build Log

    very nice work! cant wait till ur truck all together!
  2. i woud like another 3000d saving up for it tho
  3. acex3a

    ssa icon 15's

    wow another peron going 4 ssa icons. i guess i need to get 2 more:) need to be different woot
  4. lol nice jon shoulda got the numbers but o well
  5. acex3a

    Out with US Amps, in with Sundown

    nice scores!!!
  6. acex3a

    Information Sundown

    no idea whats is said here voltage all i got.
  7. great work! keep it going looks awesome!
  8. acex3a

    3000d shipment update

    mabe ill get another one cause i lvoe them great amp u got going!
  9. acex3a

    18 Wheeler w/2 ICON 15's build log

    another awesome ssa build keep the pics coming!
  10. acex3a

    SSA welcomes Second Skin Audio

    i would have to agree with his mean burgers comment
  11. acex3a

    found something during an install today...

    scared the chit out of me watching the first time. nice find, huge rat!
  12. acex3a

    3 ICON 10D2s Build log > 2006 Toyota Solara

    one hell of a sex amp pushing those subs looks like they want a lot more power 3000 soon maybe
  13. acex3a

    12'' Icon questions

    i wish i had numbers on my 12's mark we need to do that!
  14. acex3a

    New Workout, New Diet

    supplements are a waste of time and money and the effect u get nothing out of it. ur not doing anything great for ur health but making its worse with it. cretine is a waste. doesnt do anything but give u water mass in ur muscles. protien doesnt do anything but fill ur stomach so ur not hungary and ur stomach eats crap and kills ur liver and kidney. read the labels and do research stuff doesnt do anything for u. (coming from a person who has been weight training and going to school to train people) iv seen waht its done to kids i know and its killing them from getting schalorships to D! schools. best way to do anything is to do carido and weight train and keep active. eating health is big too lossing weight. carbs u want to fill up on no crap like cretine and protien.
  15. acex3a

    laugh your socks off

    seriuosly 2 differnt boxes.
  16. acex3a

    Hey you AZ bass turds!

    I'm deff down, trying to assemble a possy to go with. im down got the night off too
  17. ull be happy with i love mine. there one hell of a sub! i lvoe the 4 i got. hope to here from u and see what u think!
  18. acex3a

    4 12" ICON 12D2s > 8.4ft^3, S10 Blazer build log

    really need to break in the other 2 subs u can see the difference in the vids. second skin alt and big 3 is a must soon!
  19. acex3a

    4 12" ICON 12D2s > 8.4ft^3, S10 Blazer build log

    almost done woot! videos soon!
  20. acex3a

    Welcome to the IHoP

    never seen it! lol
  21. acex3a

    02 Extended Cab GMC... Ideas?

    just dont put urself in a hole. should find a lot of great sutff on the shop here. basicly about prefernce and what u looking for. all there.