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Posts posted by XTRMEASURES

  1. hello guys

    for you that dont know me, my nameis jamie.

    ive been gone for a long time, but not yet back homei ill be shortly.

    i ill try and make it here when i can. but hopefullyill be back for good soon........


  2. I've been trying to contact him since before the hurricane hit. I haven't been able to reach him since. Has anyone seen him on or contacted him? If you have, also tell him to give my car back to me if its still there :hyper:

    hey im still alive, the hurricane really f*$#@d up everything around here. plus im in texas cuz my dad needed rescueing. (long story)

    ill be back tomorrow and ill try to find a phone that works to call you. but you might have to drive to lafeyette

    these two hurricanes back to back hurt my way of like BAD.

    your car is ok nothing happen to it but the enclosure had some damage to it....(nothing i cant and WILL fix) because it was at the painters house and he lives where it flooded.

    george i am trully sorry about all this, i thought i was goin to be finish with your car in a week, two weeks tops. but its been about a month.

    but again ill call you tomorrow to see about getting your car back to you..
