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Everything posted by idiot

  1. idiot

    Define Loudness

    ~2.5 cu. ft. Also, do you have a graph of the 12" D2 ported in a 2.0 cu. ft. enclosure, tuned to 29 Hz, as per the SI webpage? I was thinking about the external port that was mentioned earlier and think that I may have a way to do that. And even if my idea does not work, it would be a nice comparison to have anyway.
  2. idiot

    Define Loudness

    15" D2 sealed, please.
  3. idiot

    Define Loudness

    Hmm? You don't like the Mag sealed?
  4. idiot

    Define Loudness

    Well, a soon-to-be Matrix owner with a D2. And as much fun as ripping apart a city block would be, I think I