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Everything posted by nick_19

  1. nick_19

    4.5 ft3 @ 32 htz for AA Havoc 15

    YES!!! The motor is the old thing on it. This Havoc is about a year old, but long story short I sent it in for a recone and USPS managed to break a spoke of the BASKET, even though the sub was in a wooden framed box... So it has brand new soft parts and a basket, the motor is original though! I love the look of the embedded tinsels. I'd reverse mount this baby if I had the room. Aight here are a few pics of the box now. The paint job isn't pretty or professional, but it gets the job done, and that's what I want! LED's should be here MAYBE today, most likely tomorrow. .75" Plexi (the cover is brown) My side project at the moment I case I haven't said what I'm doing, I'm putting a plexi window in the box and lighting up the entire inside, especially the sub!
  2. nick_19

    4.5 ft3 @ 32 htz for AA Havoc 15

    i know i'm boring. I just don't feel like there is a reason to take pics of the box yet. I will take pics when I start to get it installed. Soon... I need bass back. Here are just some boring pics of the sub PS- Anyone ever notice how similar the AA symbol and the Coors symbol are???? Look at the next to last pic.
  3. nick_19

    4.5 ft3 @ 32 htz for AA Havoc 15

    UPDATE: I got the braces redone to fit where I want them, painted the inside of the box, and put the silver shiny coat on the inside and the port. I'm going to wait to put pics up until it is all done (should be Christmas day or the day after). I am still waiting on my LEDs to come in the mail, and the sub is sitting here freshly recone, never seen power PS - I probably put pics of what I've done so far up later today along w/ pics of the sub!
  4. nick_19


    I know you guys do not check the forums very often, but I've sent a few emails and I know that you guys are super busy, so I just wanted to ask here of the off chance on of you checks it. I sent in my AA Havoc 15 to get repaired and got it back good as new (excellent service btw). But I was wondering if you could tell me exactly what went wrong with it, as we were never able to figure it out. Not just "mech issue" or "thermal issue," I am wondering what actually went wrong so I can make sure it doesn't happen again. Thanks for the great service and sub guys! PS-srry for posting in here and the AA forum. not trying to be rude. Just trying to get this mystery answered!
  5. nick_19

    Help with new box for Q15 w/Bp

    I'd personally try not to go over 4.0, but you can a little bit. I've heard that exact sub in 4.5 @ 32 and in 3.3 @ 30 and 3.7 @34 and 4.0 @30... You picked the best overall option in my opinion. 4.0 @ 30 gets damn loud and really loves low rap. It also sounds surprisingly good on higher notes.
  6. nick_19

    Where is everyone ?

  7. Anyone got a clean version of 30 Rock by 8ball and MJG Chopped and Screwed available? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6c3D-t_y-Q
  8. nick_19

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    U'll never strain an amp unless you push it too hard. For example, you can run a 2000 watt rms sub on a 50 watt rms amp and be absolutely fine. There is no such thing as "underpowering" that will cause damage. You will be satisfied by a Fi Q off of 1000 watts. I've heard plenty out of a Fi Q 15 dual 2 ohm w/ BP option off of 956 watts RMS. Sounded great and was damn loud. Hit a 143.1 (outlaw style TermLab) and a 142.2 (legal at the dash all sealed up TermLab) in 3.7 cubic feet tuned to 32 htz. My friend had the fosgate comp sets and they sounded good IMO. Plenty for what I would want.
  9. nick_19

    Welcome to the IHoP

    oh dear.
  10. nick_19

    Welcome to the IHoP

  11. nick_19

    Where can I buy an AA Havoc?

    Have you tried to PM Brian?
  12. nick_19

    Q18s... not very loud

    Have you tried hookin a ipod or simliar up to the RCA inputs of the amp?
  13. nick_19

    2 15's Setup 2400watts. updated

    Looks good bro. Box looks damn good. Looking forward to seein ur setup go into progress... got any ETA on that?
  14. nick_19

    Team Sundown is taking over

    Danm nice job Sundown! If I could buy my amp over again I would def choose Sundown! NOT what I expect Jacob to look like
  15. nick_19

    Check Out What UPS Delivered Today!!!

    Lol the irony. I had both of those songs Thanks though! Ugh I want to get back to my sub sooooo bad. I haven't heard bass in.... 4 months! You make me jealous
  16. nick_19

    Check Out What UPS Delivered Today!!!

    Damn nice bro! Gotta ask... Songs?
  17. nick_19


    Why did that decide upon the fact that you couldn't get the sub?
  18. nick_19

    Time to Upgrade

    49 sq. in. of port area per sub....
  19. nick_19

    Time to Upgrade

    What kind of port area is there for each section of the box? I'd say go with BL's fully loaded. Give about 1500 watts or so daily... It'd slam.
  20. nick_19

    Bass is nothing like it should be

    IMHO, I would at least *try* turning the box around. The only problem is that you basically have to have the rear seats down for it to sound good at all... at least in my experiences... Subsonic should be as close to tuning as possible to reduce the threat of mechanical failure. 30 htz is good for SSF in your box. LPF... I'd put it closer to 60 or lower for a 15, but that's just me. Have you tried playing it with the seats down? If I play my sub in my car w/ windows up and rear seat up, it is about half as loud sounding as windows down and rear seat down... And... 18 gauge??? Fix that first ASAP... I mean you do not need 8 gauge or anything, but I'd say 12 or 10... I won't even use 18 ga for my 6.5's
  21. The speaker wire will blow out of the port and catch on fire if you do that... not. If you don't mind seeing the wire coming out of the port, then it is absolutely fine. Many people do it.
  22. nick_19

    Thanks Trevor:p

    Hahahaha. You need to upload the pic to somewhere like photobucket or imageshack, and then just provide a link to where the picture is... That's the easiest.