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Posts posted by Flatline1

  1. We do have a team of guys right now and as far as shipping is concerned we will be drop shipping for a while until we see how well things go. I have shipped every model of our amps to most parts of the US the most i have had to charge for shipping has been 50 for our BA3 our 8.5k model. As far as being on team Flatline we dont just have anyone one on the team we are very selective about chosing team members.

  2. Preorder pricing on the subwoofers.

    1000w has cast basket probably the split 4 spoke dual spiders, woven leads, nickel terminals, paper cone, wide roll surround,and dual 1 in slugs 3 in voice coil.
    10=$210     $265 is MAP
    12=$215     $275 is MAP  
    15=$225     $285 is MAP
    18=$250     $295 is MAP

    1500w has cast basket, woven leads, triple spiders, direct leads, paper cone, wide roll surround, and dual 1 inch slugs 3 inch voice coil.
    10=$235    $295 is MAP
    12=$245    $305 is MAP
    15=$255    $315 is MAP
    18=$285    $325 is MAP


    These are pics of the 1500 proto the only thing that will change is the basket maybe.






  3. The warranty service will be handled by us and they can be shipped either to us or the repair center. DBR will be repairing them we have sent some to them to look at to get familiar with the layout. So we are good to go. They will have a one year warranty like everyone else and will be warrantied to 1 ohm only nothing lower.

  4. Not yet he's been out of town but he should be online later this week he will be Flatline2. I got stuck with forum duty while he was gone lmao but nah I will be here majority of the time.

  5. So I'm gonna keep the other threads locked until Admin removes a few things out of all them and we get them back on track. So since we have paid for this section for the month might as well put it to use. This is just a thread for questions about Flatline Audio as far as our Amps and Subs yes I did say subs. Yea aint we just full of surprises. We will have a 1000w sub and a 1500w sub I will post a pic of the 1500w subwoofer and post speaks with it as well. So lets try this again and see where it takes us. Any question feel free fire away.

  6. We went into coming here thinking that things may go a certain way but we hoped it wouldnt but instead it went exactly the way we thought it would from certain people saying certain things.

    Now I understand how you misread my post. If you look at it again, all I did was state if you were going to use the testing methods you did you should at least quote the uncertainty and appropriate digits. Then I even offered to help you do it. Of course if you expect to be shit on then you'd read that differently which obviously happened. Sorry that what was intended wasn't read that way.


    You can try and spin this all you want if YOU think that is how you wrote it then fine I am DONE no more back and for and all this other bullshit cause that's all it is. You guys wanna rag about fucking clamps and how they are in accurate than your deal. I don't care and to be honest there was no professionalism at all and if you think so then you need to go back and reread. I did not come hear to get in a pissin match with anyone who thinks they know everything because they have read the same damn books that I have. I am a geek as most are here but what is the point of me talking over some ones head. I put things in terms that everyone can understand. Can I sit here and tech talk yes but what is the fucking point. We came here to be informative about our amplifiers and to give as much support to potential customers as we can. Like I said we had NO intention of being here we were invited. I actually contacted Mark about a website not about a forum. He saw first hand how the amps were and wanted us here. Maybe some of you guys don't have great people skills and don't know how to talk to people other than how you do. Trust me that is something I had to learn over the years. Some people here need to take a step back and look and see that maybe the things that they are saying is being helpful but you actually aren't. Maybe that is your intention but how your going about it isn't coming across as help at all. And I have seen a lot of people that have left from this site because of how they were treated by mods and so on. Just because your good at something doesn't mean that your way is the only way, and remember this is a big world there are always people that are smarter than you. No one knows everything if so then this world would be a lot different.

  7. Whether we will remain on the forum is yet to be determined after all the drama over a couple of threads we are considering not staying. Since we seem to be invalid on post and other things I dont see any reason to pay for a vendor section when we have been said to be misleading customers with information and so on. We appreciate Mark giving us the chance to come here and maybe we will stay but as of right now it doesnt look that way.

    You might not like some of the things being said, but I can guarantee that you won't find a forum with more knowledgeable people. You say that you are new to the selling aspect of car audio, and I think that you could learn a lot by staying. If you shoot straight with the people here and try to take their criticism or suggestions as constructive you can expand your own knowledge. We have a great group here but you have to be willing to keep an open mind. I know that when I personally want info about a product this is where I come. If you just want to sell shit to the masses and don't care about facts and useful information about what you are doing then maybe this isn't the place for you. I hope that you do decide to stay, it's always nice to see more brands coming to the forum/store.


    Says who that we wont find a forum with more knowledge people , that's your opinion and your entitled to that. If I have question on things I know who to call from subs to amps. I don't know where you saw that we said we were to sales because we aren't we have been in retail for a while and I have been in the industry for 15+ years. So what your saying is if I don't agree with what a mod says then I am closed minded lmao that is so funny. So if a mod says the moon is blue here then because they say it its law. WOW last time I check we are not in a dictator ship so I don't have to agree with someone else on their views. How they feel is their opinion and that's their opinion. I am buy no means just interested in selling shit to the masses if you want to know the truth we never even wanted to be on a forum we were just going to sell direct and that's that but we had so many people wanting to sell them that's why we are here. We have turned down customers and competitors we aren't just worried about making a buck I have a regular job like everyone else and will even if things get even bigger. We are just here to provide the best product we can and that's all. When I think of a forum for a specific company it for people to ask questions about that particular product not for mods to try to discredit the company.

  8. Eh.. Your not even on the ssa store yet. I've been through your threads here but maybe I missed the part where you gave instructions on where to order.

    Good luck with your business bro. Maybe concentrate more on getting these into people's hands and not so much what is said here.


    Getting them into peoples hands is our top priority but sacrificing other things just to make a sale isnt as important. Are our amps great HELL YEA will anyone be please buying one DAMN right. The have exceeded all of our expectations and more. But if it means we lose a few sales if we arent here maybe so. But anyone that would want to buy a amp from us I mean really wanted one it wouldnt be hard to track us down to buy one. We went into coming here thinking that things may go a certain way but we hoped it wouldnt but instead it went exactly the way we thought it would from certain people saying certain things. Honestly thats the reason I left SSA years ago but everyone deserves another chance and I decided to come back and low and behold it starts all over again. Be owe well it is what it is. I respect everyone and expect the same if certain people cant respect that then as I said maybe this isnt the place for us. Some peopel may feel that the new company desereves to be treated a certain way to see if we can hang or whatever weve dealt with a ton of BS on alot of other forum and for the past year and a half we are still here and have grown alot as a company. Everyone has values that they hold to as I am sure SSA does but that doesn mean your beliefs are the best compared to someone elses.

  9. He saw them in my build, and in reelfish92's build. that kid is doing a hairtrick on 2k and a pair of 12s.....lolol

    Not to discredit the amps or anything but wouldn't the hair trick rely on the enclosure and sub choice and vehicle more than the amp?

    Hope you guys stick around long enough for people to ATLEAST get their hands on one. Kinda early to run off.


    No one is running off by any means, its just the principle to of things to us and getttin your hands on one isnt hard other wise people wouldnt have them already.

  10. Whether we will remain on the forum is yet to be determined after all the drama over a couple of threads we are considering not staying. Since we seem to be invalid on post and other things I dont see any reason to pay for a vendor section when we have been said to be misleading customers with information and so on. We appreciate Mark giving us the chance to come here and maybe we will stay but as of right now it doesnt look that way.

  11. Glad to see you're on here. Mark @ SSA came down to Tampa after SBN to meet up with Robin, myself and others. He seemed impressed with our vehicles (mostly Robin's Tahoe). But my 2 12s on the FL1 were impressive, pretty sure his wife got a mini hairtrick from my truck. Don't feed into the trolls, they feed off forums.

    We pretty much don't have any trolls here at all.  Some heated higher level discussions, sure, but not trolls.


    I dont call people making comments and feeling that there way is the only way a higher level of discussion by any means.

  12. Ok this has gotten out of hand and way off of the topic itself if you can refrain from any more commets on our thread aout the numbers that are posted we would really appreciate it. Feel free to PM each other about everything and just not post it here. Thanks.

  13. The comment that was  made was not about our product it was about another company I don't want that drama here on our forum and if that is a problem then maybe we will not be here long because to me that is not called for on any forum whether here or anywhere else. That is something that I cant stand and if we cant moderate our forum the way that we see fit then what the point of having a moderator at all.

  14. LMAO at this whole thing as I said in the first post the test were done by Taylor Fade and by Robin Butler but I guess that's not being understood or something. These same results are posted on about 4 other forums all I did was just transfer parts of the threads here verbatim of what they wrote mainly the parts with the numbers instead of the whole paragraphs that were written. The only thing the results are for basically is to show that the amps make rated power. That's it nothing more.

  15. If you understand everything then fix your post. VERY simple.

    And btw, this isn't about real world versus clamp tests, just about testing methodology and understanding the meaning and results of the test. As I said above, real world it doesn't frickin' matter.


    Like I said there is nothing else to discuss on the topic the results are posted from the test that were done and that is that and once again if you have any other questions about our amplifiers ask away as far as the results are concerned there is nothing else to talk about.


    That's better, beware where you get your information and how you cite it then. We'd be glad to help.

    The main issues with your comment above are:

    The DD-1 CANNOT measure distortion. It is not part of the algorithm. And not even close btw.

    Clamp tests are not valid.

    Using something with rise for a test is non-scientific and won't give you any results worth sharing.

    The significant digits that you posted are absurd, ie, no way in hell ANY of the gear shown would get you anywhere near enough to go to four digits (1768w or whatever). Obviously that means that the data shared beyond the accuracy of the device is downright misleading and shouldn't be used. It will also make you cry how un-accurate the results are.

    Of course, in reality we all know that whether the amp makes 1400w, 1768w, or 2000w you won't hear the difference anyways so chasing ridiculous digits and citing them just removes any believability from the post.


    Lets look at this shall we a build house buys a 3k 4k or whatever k board. They put the components on the board that's suppose to make whatever power that its suppose to make. They hook it up to a dummy load with no rise or voltage drop to check to see if it makes the power it suppose to and if it does then it passes their test. Then they sell it to someone like me when we ask for a amplifier to start a company. We get a sample to test for power to see if it will indeed make the power they state. Now whether its with a clamp meter or with a amp dyno or whatever ohm law is ohms law last time I checked. Now using a clamp may not be 100% accurate but it is close enough to give you a idea of if it works or make close to the power it is suppose to.  As far as needing any help on testing you are more than welcome to buy one and test it out and post your results.


    Did you read my post? I didn't offer to test, I offered to help you understand your results in such a way you could make them a useful post instead of one full of misunderstanding.

    By any and ALL scientific methodology a measurement without determining the uncertainty isn't a valid measurement period. Obviously this isn't something that was understood in your initial post since you shared WAY too many digits after the first.

    As I stated at first I just copied and pasted the results that they posted from the test that they did on our amps and I totally understand everything. You are not dealing with a noob here by any means. And I read your post and what I am saying is if you want to give what you feel are results that are valid from testing one of our amps then feel free. Like I said in another post the clamp numbers are pointless in real world applications when playing music so in all actuality when your testing your really just seeing if it makes the power that its rated to do. We can go round and round on this but I really don't see a need to so unless you have any valid questions about our amplifiers which is what the topic is about there is nothing else to say about clamp testing but feel free to start a topic in another section.

  17. That's better, beware where you get your information and how you cite it then. We'd be glad to help.

    The main issues with your comment above are:

    The DD-1 CANNOT measure distortion. It is not part of the algorithm. And not even close btw.

    Clamp tests are not valid.

    Using something with rise for a test is non-scientific and won't give you any results worth sharing.

    The significant digits that you posted are absurd, ie, no way in hell ANY of the gear shown would get you anywhere near enough to go to four digits (1768w or whatever). Obviously that means that the data shared beyond the accuracy of the device is downright misleading and shouldn't be used. It will also make you cry how un-accurate the results are.

    Of course, in reality we all know that whether the amp makes 1400w, 1768w, or 2000w you won't hear the difference anyways so chasing ridiculous digits and citing them just removes any believability from the post.


    Lets look at this shall we a build house buys a 3k 4k or whatever k board. They put the components on the board that's suppose to make whatever power that its suppose to make. They hook it up to a dummy load with no rise or voltage drop to check to see if it makes the power it suppose to and if it does then it passes their test. Then they sell it to someone like me when we ask for a amplifier to start a company. We get a sample to test for power to see if it will indeed make the power they state. Now whether its with a clamp meter or with a amp dyno or whatever ohm law is ohms law last time I checked. Now using a clamp may not be 100% accurate but it is close enough to give you a idea of if it works or make close to the power it is suppose to.  As far as needing any help on testing you are more than welcome to buy one and test it out and post your results.

  18. Exactly, makes it a hard sell to me for a new manufacturer. Not going to shell out the money to a brand new company when I can get a Crescendo for the same price unless there was something that someone can prove is worth it. What would make a consumer choose this over a Crescendo? That's my point.

    To answer your question the best way I can feel free to pm iamamp3pimp or reelfish92 they switched from skar and crescendo to our amps. They can tell you what they like and don't like vs me trying to point out differences without causing drama between brands
