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Everything posted by Darkhunter139

  1. Darkhunter139

    Fi Audio Choices and what would be need to buy with?

    Ahh ok so you have plenty of space 2 wont be a problem You need to decide on what subs you want. My vote is for 2 15's. Now you need to decide if you want to SSDs which will come to about $430 Or two Qs which will come out to about $520 If I were you id forget BLs the Q is the way to go imo. Once you decide let us know and we can help you pick an amp out
  2. Darkhunter139

    Fi Audio Choices and what would be need to buy with?

    Yea ill go do that. And yea im a total noob at CAR AUDIO. And why couldnt i get 2 of them? Why are Hifonics amps bad it just doesnt make sense. Budget raised. You can get two of them but everything gets more complicated if you do. You are going to need a pretty big box for 2 of them as well. What kind of car do you drive?
  3. Darkhunter139

    Fi Audio Choices and what would be need to buy with?

    Get the Kicker PDK0 kit. Comes with a run of 0 gauge wire to run from your battery to the trunk. Also comes with two distros so you can hook up two amps to it. Its the best deal for a complete kit
  4. Darkhunter139

    Fi Audio Choices and what would be need to buy with?

    If you are on a budget I would go with kicker amps. You really still have not given us enough info to reccomend you one though. What subs are you going to get? Probably the BL or the Q. Now would those amps be fine? The 2nd one would be able to power both? Dont know about that company. Sorry. The price point for that many watts is telling me it sucks. I would go with kicker you wont spend a ton. Are you planning on upgrading your electrical? No offense but you sound like a total noob. If I were you id probably try a single 15 inch Q or SSD for your first setup.
  5. Darkhunter139

    Fi Audio Choices and what would be need to buy with?

    If you are on a budget I would go with kicker amps. You really still have not given us enough info to reccomend you one though. What subs are you going to get?
  6. Darkhunter139

    alternator quote

    That alt will work with my car? I thought it would because I'm pretty sure that 90-97 accords have the same setup as far as electrical goes. iirc Well thanks for all the help guys, darkhunter I'm encouraging you to back out on this deal! LOL just kidding, but if you get it have fun with it! Curt Going to pick up my check at work in a few hours so it wont be long until you will know
  7. Darkhunter139

    alternator quote

    That alt will work with my car? Haha I am trying to buy that one from him tonight, not 100% sure if I am though. I just called power master and he said "I am sure it will fit your car but you are probably going to do some bracket modifying My car has the same engine as yours so the same would go for you. (I have a 94 accord with a 2.2l engine)
  8. Darkhunter139

    Can someone help me make box design for 15 inch SSD

    Ok here we go http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/6531/boxdes5jm1.jpg I think that one is perfect what do you think?
  9. I already made one box that was 26x27.5x16 and it didnt fit in the trunk of my 94 accord I dont really have much room to work with I know 26x18x16 will work but is there any possible way I can get it tuned right? I will use aero ports or slot.
  10. Darkhunter139

    Can someone help me make box design for 15 inch SSD

    Hows this look.
  11. Darkhunter139

    Can someone help me make box design for 15 inch SSD

    I just went and re measured and I can go up to 30x18x16 think that will be enough space for a ported box? I might be able to get as high as 32 if I need to
  12. Darkhunter139

    Can someone help me make box design for 15 inch SSD

    How do you think a 15 inch SSD would sound sealed? Would it still get louder then a CVR on 400 watts (I will be giving hte ssd 800 watts)
  13. Darkhunter139

    Box build for 15 inch SSD

    No I am going to use a jigsaw
  14. Darkhunter139

    Box build for 15 inch SSD

    Ok here is my question, If I cut the circle out to the circle in the specs will the SSD fit in there ok? If not what size should I make the circle. Here is the plans (I changed up the baffle so it would not be between both sides) Pics:
  15. Darkhunter139

    Box build for 15 inch SSD

  16. Darkhunter139

    Box build for 15 inch SSD

  17. Darkhunter139

    Thank you FI!

    Well there are so many "Where is my sub!" threads I figured I should change it up a little I ordered my 15 inch ssd about 2 weeks ago and it came today! Faster then I expected and it looks like a great sub. Just wanted to say thanks!
  18. Darkhunter139

    Going to be ordering single 15. SSD or Q?

    Sub is coming friday! I am so excited
  19. Alright well I have been trying to decide what sub/amp to get for about a month now. I already made the wrong choice once and am determined not to do that again. I am taking my time and am going to do everything right. I finally bought an amp, diamond D3 800.1 It can do 800 watts at 1 ohm so I decided an fi single 15 inch sub would work best for me. Now the question do I go for the SSD or the Q? The SSD about 70 dollars cheaper (Id like to use that 70 dollars for some wiring) ive asked this question before on another forum but never really got a great answer. What are the main differences between these subs and would it be worth getting a q if I am only running 800 watts? It will be going in a 94 Honda accord if that makes a difference.
  20. Darkhunter139

    Any 94-97 Honda Accord Owners

    Here is what it is tuned to Ported box: 3-4 cuft @ 33Hz the dimensions are in the pic
  21. Darkhunter139

    Hows this box look (for an SSD)

    How do these box plans look. I plan on using them for my 15 inch SSD. It is going in a trunk of a 94 Honda Accord http://flickr.com/photos/8063442@N08/sets/72157605256765339/
  22. Darkhunter139

    Hows this box look (for an SSD)

    Just seeing if anyone had a better suggestion
  23. Darkhunter139

    Hows this box look (for an SSD)

    Cool thanks man just wanted to make sure before I buy the wood
  24. Darkhunter139

    Any 94-97 Honda Accord Owners

    Here you go http://flickr.com/photos/8063442@N08/sets/72157605256765339/
  25. Darkhunter139

    Any 94-97 Honda Accord Owners

    Want me to post the box plans?