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Everything posted by antoinez28

  1. antoinez28

    2005 Tahoe problems..

    Never mind fixed it thanks.
  2. antoinez28

    943750 517505498287451 168436074 N

    How many cubic ft is that
  3. antoinez28

    are they worth the price

    Ok thanks
  4. antoinez28

    are they worth the price

  5. antoinez28

    set up help

  6. antoinez28

    set up help

    I have 2 orion hcca dul 2ohm on crescendo bc2000. Should i buy another bc2000 or sell the orions and buy 1 zcon 18. My goal is to be able to do hair tricks. Im on i tight budget.
  7. antoinez28

    subwoofer box help...

    i have a 2005 tahoe with two orion hcca 15.2 and want to build a box like the one steve meade has for is 4 18's here a couple of links...sorry dont know how to put picks up https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=x6V8eu8o53qyjM&tbnid=EQYYPTVbyxj2eM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fstevemeadedesigns.com%2Fhome%2Fmemberbuilds_5.php&ei=Js_tUumTLOqe2QXA8oHYDg&bvm=bv.60444564,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNEvJXWf_OhHZbJlaEYPPEtNZET1bA&ust=1391403157918733 http://cs12828.vk.me/u109393749/video/l_a71dab0b.jpg
  8. antoinez28

    Is it overkill

    I have a 2005 tahoe My set up so far is 2 15" hcca, crescendo bc2000, 1 cresecendo logic f-31 bat, 2 runs of O gauge cca from sky high. The ? Is should I buy another battery logic f-31 or save up for a 270 mechmen alt. my set up is at 2 ohms.
  9. antoinez28

    Is it overkill

    Have not turn it all the way up yet....but thanks for the help guys
  10. antoinez28

    Is it overkill

    Ok thanks....guess I'll get another battery thanks...no volt drop stays around 13.6 when playing music halfway
  11. antoinez28

    Want to buy: AQ-20k

    There a guy on Craigslist in Kansas City mo with one for sell...
  12. antoinez28

    something instead of wood.

    I did I just order them off ebay should be here by Wednesday...
  13. So I don't have a lot of tools and I don't feel like ordering flush mdf rings so is there something else that I can glue to the base of my ring cut out to give it that same look when I fiberglass them...I do not have a router and I'm not going to buy one just to make 4 flush mdf rings...so Im just wondering is there anything esle out there.
  14. antoinez28

    something instead of wood.

    I went to homedepot can could not find nothing to flushmount my speakers...would playdough work
  15. antoinez28

    something instead of wood.

    Wat...ok...this guy Ill just walk around homedepot and Lowe's and find a something
  16. antoinez28

    something instead of wood.

    So I don't have a lot of tools and I don't feel like ordering flush mdf rings so is there something else that I can glue to the base of my ring cut out to give it that same look when I fiberglass them...I do not have a router and I'm not going to buy one just to make 4 flush mdf rings...so Im just wondering is there anything esle out there.
  17. antoinez28

    #7329 ... just wondering

    I been calling amd no one answers the phone...I have the bc2000 amd just wound about the battery and are the pwx 6.5 still on back order
  18. antoinez28

    #7329 ... just wondering

    So I received a package today with the 6.5 pwx and inside was a coupon for 10% discount on crescendo products but expired on nov 1 wats that about
  19. antoinez28

    #7329 ... just wondering

    Ok ill email you
  20. antoinez28

    #7329 ... just wondering

    So did the battery from crescendo ship
  21. Just woundering what's a good eq for my set up plan on running a ipad mini for the headunit...eq? ??, amp is a bc2000, 2 orion hcca 15.2, crescendo 1100.4, 4 pwx 6.4 and 4 Ft1 tweets. What will be a good Eq. I was thing about a audiocontrol three.2...waiting on my most of the items...as well a crescendo battery
  22. antoinez28

    #7329 ... just wondering

    So now I order so far #7329, #7374, #7367 now I just have to play the waiting game I hope I have everything before Thanksgiving lol and some crescendo stickers to