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Everything posted by antoinez28

  1. antoinez28

    4-18s DSS ethos on 12k

    Have not been on here in a while with a update but alot have change.... NEW GOAL try to be one of the loudest nowall tahoes....not that many out there so I want to be apart of that. with being said made a cople changes to the box. more braces and paint it to match my interior and exterior paint After that. I had got me a temp battery bank until I pay off the one I really want . Battery bank should help with my 10k burps... And I did not cut anything to have them go across the back seats.... (200.00 battey bank why not) 770ah and 540 alt power
  2. antoinez28

    2 12 dss ethos (new build)

    Dss FTMFW
  3. antoinez28

    In search of new Sub, Please help

    Thekid5678...I highly dought you get any money back alot of shops aroind kc area will not do refunds they will try and help if not lose cause I told you I will help you since im local I will be at the car meet and there will be other guys there that can help you also on the 23 of this month
  4. antoinez28

    2 12 dss ethos (new build)

    Can you make me something...lol... nice work on the ssa logo
  5. antoinez28

    In search of new Sub, Please help

    See about the first shop and keep on it...than go to the next shop because your just blowing money around...
  6. antoinez28

    In search of new Sub, Please help

    Sounds like trouble to me....
  7. antoinez28

    In search of new Sub, Please help

    Lol...would of been badazz too...
  8. antoinez28

    B2 tahoe

    Thats not really a bad place to be stuck is it?Lol no, I can't complain really I love sp4s. But that 5in voice coil though....Would a 5" coil be good for a music run of 3 mins straight 4k clean power...
  9. antoinez28

    B2 tahoe

    Makes me want to beef up my electrical even more lol
  10. antoinez28

    Help w/ZCON 15 enclosure

    That looks justvlike Sanchez old box for evil that swift made..
  11. antoinez28

    B2 tahoe

    When you cut the whole for yhe runs is the in front of the passenger side or driver side back seats
  12. antoinez28

    How to measure l port length.

    Your just a book of car audio...
  13. antoinez28

    DSS Tridents and Twisted Sounds S-10. Road to 166dBs

    All the awesome in so many pics cant wait to here this at a show steve....
  14. antoinez28

    In search of new Sub, Please help

    ^^^what he said^^^
  15. antoinez28

    box rise

    Thanks man...
  16. antoinez28

    box rise

    So I hate posting help ? On here but here I go again....can some body help me find how to bring down my box rise I will like to get as close to 2 ohms as I can....right.now I rise to 3.5 and I was searching on here but cant find nothing...I no bracing and better airflow accounts so I just need to be pointed in the right direction thats all
  17. antoinez28

    box rise

    So why do people say "im raising to or after box rise I'm at" thanks for looking for me by the way
  18. antoinez28

    B2 tahoe

    Hows the build
  19. antoinez28

    In search of new Sub, Please help

    I will build you a BOX if you dont have the tool's but you will have to get all the measurements and stuff like that. for free since there taking my Saturdays from me if you like bro
  20. antoinez28

    In search of new Sub, Please help

    Look like your port is choking(too small) but thats just my view other s might say different...
  21. antoinez28

    Baltimore Riots

    Well I think all this is sad and a waste of tax payers money...but thats me
  22. antoinez28

    In search of new Sub, Please help

    I build all my own box but get all the specs from guys on here...meeting up depends on how far you live from saint joseph....pm me
  23. antoinez28

    Ssa zcons or aa mayhem

    damn you reply fast
  24. antoinez28

    Ssa zcons or aa mayhem

    wow 33.00-99.00 for the book hard copy might check my local library out.... but theirs a PDF file of it might print that out first couple chapters
  25. antoinez28

    6 sp4 18s, 6th order, lots of glass and plexi

    Mass is what will help control rattles like that, so I'm guessing roll on would be far easiermass is one of the dumbest ways to control rattlesim not going to trying it i was just wondering thats all...