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Everything posted by pioneer

  1. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    OP it sucks you can't get a reply man, i'm suprised the xmax isn't listed. Again i'm not defending i just like factual discussions Maybe next time buy equipment where specs are clearly stated so that your needs can be met? Troll him on is facebook group, anywhere he posts ask him the question. Did you try on the skar forum also?
  2. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Lol so you all model subs but never test em in real life but can conclude they are crap lol by using "false" parameters. So all car audio/electronics companies always post 100% correct t/s parameters? And no i don't have pico fuse problems, i don't use pioneer headunits
  3. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Should be alive though, it's wrong to kill unicorns.
  4. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Sounds like a cheap crappy design, OMG why would they do this...could it be cheap massed produced chit meant to make millions off hard working people? Brb made in china And no i'm not affiliated to Skar/Kevin
  5. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Pioneer electronics sells countless of headunits with pico fuse problems Is that a scam too? They fully well know what the problem is, have they changed it?
  6. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Google search any car audio and add "scam" or "problem" and it will result in dozens of links also, it means nothing really.
  7. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Where's the evidence? Anyone can post a pic of some crappy box and say Kevin made it. So now every lame box that appears on the webz would have been made by Kevin? Kevin makes clear as day threads list b-stock items, how we don't know those guys actually ordered b-stock items and claiming otherwise? Do we really believe everything posted on the internet so easily?
  8. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Also if you still have the box, post the receipt and a pic of the box with you holding a spoon.
  9. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Not defending at all, I'm just trying to understand the purpose of this thread. To warn people of terrible CS from Skar Audio. But the OP hasn't replied/updated us or even stated what he's trying to find out? All i'm seeing here is chit from 2009 that Kevin supposedly did, and in any event there is no way to prove that he made those boxes. I saw pics posted but no one posted a receipt, the boxes are horrible obviously but we don't know who made them for certain.
  10. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Not defending at all, I'm just trying to understand the purpose of this thread.
  11. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Not saying that all. I'm saying instead of judging a sub you don't even own solely based on what the computer tells you, build what the computer tells you AND put it in your trunk then be the judge. Why do people even compete? I mean, using this great software and parameters we can just sit behind our keyboards, plug figures away and be the loudest/cleanest etc. Imagine how much fun that would be, and people can give these great reviews based on....what the computer says Could be the advent of a new era in car audio. brb gonna fire up gran turismo 5, I always wanted to test drive a ferrari
  12. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    LOL so modelling on a computer seems to be greater than real life experiences IN your car? Aware me on the logic here? What ever happened to the 20% product 80% install doctrine?
  13. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    So if a moron tries it and likes it, but someone who actually understands how drivers work, driver design, acoustics etc never does but can state exactly why the driver is a fail you will pick the opinion of the moron? Curious also what you think trial entails? Is listening to a driver trying it, is modeling it trying it, is trying it in one single box in one car trying it, or is it something else? Sorry you got scammed into buying a sub-par driver from an asshat but perhaps you need to rethink what you read places. Why the name-calling though? You could be a moron behind a keyboard too but I won't assume that and never will. If someone buys a product and enjoys it, who are you to discredit their opinion or level of satisfaction? Because they don't understand how drivers work? lol. So only the guy with a degree in acoustics opinion should matter? For years i've been reading on the internet that there is no "best" car audio product, ever. I'm sure you read that too. What I gathered is that it's based on personal preference (.ie. brand) and the individual's unique perception of sound, not so? Car audio supposed to be fun man, relax and enjoy it. This is not a world nerdfest where people are sitting comparing Q factors and T/S parameters etc. Oh as for tryin it, it's pretty simple - 1. acquire product 2. put in trunk 3. bump away. I think we are over-thinking a pretty simple and petty matter which all boils down to freedom of choice and opinion.
  14. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Oh btw, how come the OP hasn't replied since? Interdasting no doubt.
  15. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    How many people in here personally tried/tested any Skar products for themselves? Isn't that what fact finding is about, personal experiences and being able to relate these experience and findings? It's all good if you tried it and hated it, we are all free-thinking human beings and entitled to our personal opinions. I personally have a VVX-15 and got wonderful assistance in designing a box on the Skar forum via SMD. Matter of fact I would like to thank Ground Pounder Customs again for designing me a tank How many retailers out there know much about the products they sell? I'm speaking in general here, from vacuum cleaners to whiteboard markers. Does anyone really know anything about their products in fine detail? So does that mean we should automatically trash their products and name because...well just because. Does anyone walk into Walmart and ask them for the chemical composition of a shirt? I can fully understand if Skar products had major faults mechanically wise and were falling apart everywhere (like Image Dynamics XS components, hi Kaizen ), but from what I gathered here so far it seems to be a problem with the owner and his alleged past dealings. My humble view is that even if he did some crap in the past, how about give the kid a break and see if he can prove himself? Even if he is gaining territory via marketing, isn't that's what business is all about and the consumer power of freedom of choice? Many companies have failed, managed to recognize their previous errors and started all over again, and today are conquering the markets. How about we live and let live? Yeah?
  16. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    How exactly they're being ripped off by the local distributor though?
  17. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Gonna be devil's advocate here, but isn't most of the stuff we buy/consume coming from china and other asian mega factories/build houses? Is there a possibility that many items carrying different names are in fact the same item? So where as in previous decades it was all about build quality, now the game has changed to mass production and marketing? And what if he has some "decent" legit products carrying his brand name, does that make the item necessarily "bad" or inferior to something else?
  18. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Kinda shocked if it's the same guy. But why would so many people be buying his products? I saw he was on Fox news also
  19. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Well something definitely ain't right lol
  20. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Damn that sucks, maybe he needed some guidance like a router jig and a straight edge clamp?
  21. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    But there seems to be more happy Skar customers than unhappy? All companies have short-comings, I don't see how some random incidents would shut him down. Does anyone have legit pics of the boxes he made? post a receipt and include a spoon in the pic for verification purposes. Anyone can sit behind a computer and talk smack etc, prove it. I can tell you horror stories about our local image dynamics dealer and how he scammed many people including myself, but he's still in business and even ID themselves have ignored my countless emails (post Eric Stevens era). So what do we do?
  22. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Ok so how exactly did he "scam" people? Examples/personal experiences plz?
  23. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    I don't think it's as much of a prediction as it is a hope.... So it's basically hate on the new guy/company
  24. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Wrong. I'm just trying to make sense of this thread here, you need to chill out brah. A guy comes in with a complaint which he is well within his right to do, and the entire internet automatically predicts company and product failure. Why doesn't he post exactly what he is trying to find out instead of going from "fanboy" to...whatever he has become. After all, isn't this a car audio forum where enthusiasts share ideas, knowledge and experience? To the guys fanning the flames, are you all speaking from personal experience or you just read something on the internet and thought it hey this is cool chit let's flame away. If this complaint is legit, OP needs to post it everywhere, this isn't the dead end, is it? facts>fiction.
  25. pioneer

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Was it posted anywhere else?