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Everything posted by akjay907

  1. akjay907

    Now Playing!

    Whiskey In The Jar - Thin Lizzy
  2. akjay907

    Good 4" Coax?

    Those Boston Acoustics S45's are weird, I didnt like them at all. my .02
  3. akjay907

    Ported or Bandpass

    I don't even know how to design a band-pass anyways...
  4. akjay907

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    yeah, most of my drivers had a little bit of the surround covering the mounting holes under the gasket. never thought about what could happen, I just cut it with an exacto knife.
  5. akjay907

    4.5 ft3 @ 32 htz for AA Havoc 15

    Haha I already seen your videos on youtube a couple times, theres not too many havoc videos on youtube! you should see if your sub hits "10 G's" by Killer Mike! that song has high 20s in the bassline it sounds great haha. That sucks about the ticket though, Ive gotten a reckless driving ticket on the first day I got my license; back when I turned 16, for doing a brake-stand at the Taco Bell drive through, so dont feel so bad lol. Well, anyways...good luck on the TL!
  6. "Ive heard" isnt a real answer though...
  7. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So, its 4:43 AM Im going to sleep haha. late
  8. Around 14-26 watts IIRC... Someone seriously should bench test Hifonics amps!!!!!
  9. akjay907

    i like bass

    Something around 4ft^3@32 should be sufficient. BTLs are insane though...good luck. How much are you looking to spend on the amp and subs? You are going to need an electrical upgrade (Alternator, Batteries, Big 3, etc.)
  10. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    SSA has been slow these past couple of days...I wonder why?
  11. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I just realized something... BASS = My anti-drug!!! The prime-rib I had was insane!!! I bought it for $5.99 a pound, it was around $75 total! I had it seasoned with just about everything I could find in my pantry, and it tasted sooooooo good! still got some left-overs if anyone here wants some! haha
  12. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wow I saw the sun for the first time in a week today!!! It was something new haha. Anyways, Im out! prime rib filled me quicker than I thought. Late
  13. akjay907

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    When you have contributed to more than 22% of today's posts.
  14. akjay907

    best fi sub to run

    Whats the rms output of that amp at 1 ohm?
  15. akjay907

    LOW and HIGH DeeeBeeez

    That 127dB sounds right on for ringing ears! btw eyeball tissue resonates at 20Hz
  16. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    super moderators?
  17. akjay907

    1000D or 1500D ?

    But he doesnt live here, so he can only get the 1k and 1.5k sundown amps
  18. akjay907

    wtf? View New Posts??

    Yeah, not too long ago; the whole site was like that for a week and it drove me crazy haha.
  19. akjay907

    wtf? View New Posts??

    It keeps going back to the error whenever I refresh
  20. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nice, 1.5TB is alot! -to me. That hot dog compressor sounds interesting. I got a hot dog roller/bun warmer last year christmas haha.
  21. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well...I will find out soon, Its only 9am here, no one is awake haha.
  22. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

  23. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I havent even slept yet...now its time for a nap. Today is going to be fun...I finally got my TOP!
  24. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ahh double post FTL. anyways Im out. Happy Holidays!
  25. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Merry Christmas everyone at SSA! Anyone tried reading the IHoP from page one??? I think someone tried recently haha.