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Posts posted by B7L|BL4Z3R

  1. I feel like i have looked high and low, and still dont know what i want to do. I want to be able to enjoy it, and still make 60 grand+. I am willing to do 4 years of schooling. I just want to be sure what im going to be busting my ass for will be worth it. Any ideas or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. thank you guy.

  2. Got alot of shit done in the past week or so.. been working alot because of the new job but its paying for the new build so i can't complain. As you can see i am sticking with 2 18s but decided to double the power.. Bought the motors already, just need to purchase soft parts, baskets.

    Bought another D3100 and now runing a total of 3 in the back.

    Rough picture of the pleather but you get the idea.. still have to sand the port, and roll paint it. But other than that it looks good.



    Couldn't fit any better.




    YOU GOT THE DRILL ^^^lickscreen.gif

  3. motivation and cardio is the key,and obviously eating habits,you dont have to lift heavy weights, just do alot of reps of lighter weight you will see more results

    myth, cardio with either method should do the same... now lifting real heavy and exhausting muscle is great... I've been working to improve lower body more since you have such bigger muscle groups below the waste, the more muscle you have the easier it should technically be to burn fat... Get them legs strong buddy...

    And, swats before your workout will help. Working out your lower body causes your body to release testosterone.

  4. lol.. u guys fixed that.. forcin me to stay up til 2am workin on your car 400miles away.. and i can't even work on my car 30ft away...

    What the hell is wrong with this picture? lol

    Will it be ready for slamology?

  5. so i went to the grocery store about 10 mins ago. truck was fine there. on the way home my truck wouldnt stop accelerating. i have to literally push the brake down as hard as i can and then it starts burning out. when i got home, as much as i didnt want to, i slammed it in park and shut my truck off. i have absolutely no idea what in the hell is going on. If anyone has ANY information on this please post anything. Im really hoping it something small but with my luck i know it will be expensive.
