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Posts posted by videsh

  1. I have the same model as you on my 1500D. I think it can handle a bit more power and some people may want to feed it a bit more cus it`s not the most efficient sub out there, But all in all, I`m happy with mine. i should note its in a SQ application not really much of a streetbeater but i still manage to sound like I`m talkin in front of a fan when a nice bassline h

    The weight is an issue for me tho, thas why if Jacob has anything along those lines I`d sure be all over it.

  2. well i plan to ... my first comp is in early june

    but im from Trinidad in the West Indies and here , sq takes a backseat to spl so sq events are few and far between.

    I appreciate all the positive comments from everyone.

    btw here`s the box in the old position


    in the new build its pushed further back towards the tailgate

  3. this is part of my new sq install which consists of a

    premier 880 prs head unit

    morel hybrid ovation6 set

    RE XXX 12

    the install inst complete yet but , i just couldnt wait to post it ... any feed back will be appreciated

    the laser etching was pretty cool to watch ... took about ten minutes and was totally worth it ... cant wait to light it up with blue l.e.d.`s




  4. hi all i have a sax 100.4 and a saz1500d ... i want to change my install a bit ... do something a bit more visually appealing

    now in the pics below ud see one of the amps " floating " in the center ... i want to do a symmetrical pair like that

    the lower board will have a small fan and it will have gaps in the board exposing the heatsink a bit



    so now my questions

    1 : has anyone ever installed their sundown amps in an area with minimal ventilation and did it have any issues ?

    2 : do you think the setup will have adequate cooling ?

    3 : what improvements do u think i can make?

  5. im using sundown amps in a sq setup

    i have a SAX 100.4 and a SAZ 1500d ; headunit 880prs ... everything is run active cus the crosses on the amps are fantastic ... extremely accurate and lots of options

    they were running a soundstream rf60c component set and a RE XXX 12 ... got a pretty great review from lots of people even a certified iasca sq judge

    mids are going to change to a morel hybrid ovation 6 set

    i will give an update as to what the results are like but have no fear man ; the sundowns sound great

  6. thanks guys the local dealer is sorting me out

    i bought the woofer used thats why i wasnt sure if id be supported and also yeh i thought i read somewhere they have to be sent in but i was bracing from that for reasons stated above ( value added tax and other customs duties are a beyotch here ) ... thanks greg , 12volts contacted me personally

    keep up the great support !!

  7. hi all i would like to know if a recone kit is available for an 06 RE XXX 12

    i live outside the us and shipping the woofer back and forth would cost the same as buying a new one

    reason i ask is cus some jerkoff was fiddling with my suspension when i wasnt by the car so i guess im just being cautious ... im monitoring it to see if any tears or cracks develop

    any info would be appreciated
