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Posts posted by VOLTAGExDT

  1. 20 minutes ago, ///M5 said:

    For music it won't.  It will be better than the smd pos but it is pointless.  Songs can be recorded more than 10db apart which gain wise is a MONSTER change.  Stop reading on smd, it isn't teaching you anything

    im not reading anything about smd... thanks for the assumption..


    and tbh  I wasn't really asking opinions on to get or not to get..

    pretty sure the post thread was



    Has anyone used this unit.. or something similar


  2. First off neither of you are helping my post at all. 


    Secondly M5 stated not to waist money on a scope if I'm using one for clipping 


    so i immediately lost all interest in what he had to say. Which was then added to when he stated he has a $5000 oscope. 



    So back on point please 



  3. DSO Nanov3 Oscilliscope


    Has anyone used this unit.. or something similiar


    was talking to aaron and have decided to get this but am trying to get some help on how to use it and such..

    ive googled and what not and I see the hook this up to that.

    but haven't seen any ok set the unit to this  then that now do this.


