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Everything posted by dave_Edwards

  1. dave_Edwards

    Holy Cow Batman

    my fat ass would melt....
  2. dave_Edwards

    Do sealed boxes have a tuning frequency?

    it depends on your Q of the enclosure.....but no, you can not tune a sealed enclosure.
  3. dave_Edwards


    Oh snap.....Nick has told me about Toddie Johnson's wang and how far it dangles!! PS...I am secretly on your fanlist Scottie.
  4. dave_Edwards

    SQ application/Question

    as do I......
  5. dave_Edwards

    Sealed or ported help!!!

    I would go with a low tuned ported enclosure so you don't have peaky output.....
  6. dave_Edwards

    SQ application/Question

    I would go IB.....I like the way mine sounds....not peaky and has a very good frequency response.
  7. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    8pm can't get here fast enough......
  8. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Matt....if you are coming over Sunday can you bring your gun oil and all the prep stuff for long term storage for the 9mm.
  9. dave_Edwards

    sound relativity to speed and pressure

    I will admit I don't know it all on flying the jets....I left the break the jets to the officers and us enlisted guys fixed them....
  10. dave_Edwards

    sound relativity to speed and pressure

    being an Airforce vet....I know some of the statements you have just made are not true.....it is against AF regs. to break the sound barrier with-in 20 miles of a residential area(bases included)and also they can not do so under 20,000ft....I know F-16's take off at 3/4 throttle.....F-18's(Navy jets) take off at 3/4 throttle also.....I know they are loud and they may seem to be "breaking the sound barrier" but BELIEVE me....they are not, pilots do not want to be grounded for something as stupid as that. I highley doubt you will see this at an altitude you can see......without being a pilot yourself. as for the SR-71....they have been retired for 10years....they do not take off at sound barrier breaking speeds.....they have enough fuel to reach their cruising altitude then need to be refueled THEN they take off from the refueling jet(KC-135[the planes I worked on] or a KC-10[guicci boys]).....PS.....taxi ways are for that....taxing, not take off....and I do not EVER recall seeing ANYONE near the ramp when ANY jet was landing or taking off....hell most civies were not even allowed on the pad let alone with in 1000 yards of a plane.
  11. dave_Edwards

    The final piece of the puzzle...

    HAHAHA....I was thinking quasi 5th order IB ported tuned to 30Hz... but no...I would check into the specs on the SSA 8 when they do come availbe(sp)
  12. dave_Edwards

    mystery sub.....?

    yeah...it sounds like a Brahma...a 4spoke would be a MKI design also.
  13. dave_Edwards

    From: What's going on here?

  14. dave_Edwards

    How does a sub play 10 hz when..

    boo jim for bringing home audio into this thread about car audio....boo.....just boo!!
  15. dave_Edwards

    pics of my kicks!!!

    SQ secrets stay in the garage.....only a few "chosen ones" know of the ways of the "hillbilly"
  16. dave_Edwards

    How does a sub play 10 hz when..

    I don't run "small amps" I have more power on my front stage than some people have in their whole system.....as for you....with a name like "sqguyib" I would have thought you knew what IB was.....guess I was wrong....I also thought you knew the differance in ported and IB....I was wrong there too.....
  17. dave_Edwards

    How does a sub play 10 hz when..

    If you can here the differance from 70 watts to 75 watts you are GOD!!!.....plus when you place subwoofers in an IB you can't tune them, you can EQ them but not tune them......stop posting, you are just digging your hole deeper.....just admit you said what you said(before the edit)....I would have never said anything if I would not have read it with my own eyes....
  18. dave_Edwards

    loud subs?

    if he wants to kill his ears and his bank account...let him......
  19. dave_Edwards

    How does a sub play 10 hz when..

    you give SQ guys a bad name.....
  20. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    bar hopping with Matt is fun....
  21. dave_Edwards

    all fi bl owners

    ???? WTF am I reading this????
  22. dave_Edwards

    loud subs?

    get ya like 2 of these and you will be loud yo
  23. dave_Edwards

    Power Tour 2008 photos

    "I was born a poor black man"
  24. dave_Edwards

    securing box on seat?

    wow Jim.....why not give him designs to do that?