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Everything posted by dave_Edwards

  1. dave_Edwards

    I just have to share this

    Red light.........Yellow light..........Green light...........Blue Screen???
  2. dave_Edwards

    5 years since the rebuild of SSA.

    I will be here....still dancing
  3. dave_Edwards

    I just have to share this

    I like the neons....that is priceless
  4. dave_Edwards

    Brooksies L8's in the doors

    Kick...you gonna be there too....maybe you can demo the Camry also.
  5. dave_Edwards

    Brooksies L8's in the doors

    now you got me REALLY wanting to hear Mango Pickle in your ride Brooksie!!
  6. dave_Edwards

    I just have to share this

    I wonder what the chicks think when he rolls down the strip and they hear the Windows opening theme...teehee
  7. dave_Edwards

    Brooksies L8's in the doors

    damn this is gonna be fun.....
  8. dave_Edwards

    Brooksies L8's in the doors

    I wish I could play anything at 122dB....I just hope all my hawtness doesn't shy people away, I wanna hear cars....alot of cars and meet alot of new people.
  9. dave_Edwards

    our followers lol

    Ramos....you know you are not minor league.....those guys over there crack me up.....can't design an enclosure but want to design a sub....hmmm
  10. dave_Edwards

    SSA Chat - Time and other Things

    anyone that reads this....get in the chat
  11. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you just noticed that Jim....damn I did that like 2 months ago.....sorry...I will stop pickin on ya!
  12. dave_Edwards

    Happy Bday BJ Fisher!

    I think I puked in my mouth alittle bit.......happy birthday
  13. dave_Edwards

    our followers lol

    I always knew we were the major league and they were the minors but damn....they are starting to hang on our nuts now too? Like those tards could get anything done.....lol....funny.....Jim, your boys are designing a sub..watch out
  14. dave_Edwards

    help finding a d class amp for

    I would use the 6.5's as midrange and the 12's as midbass(cross them over as low as possiable---20-30Hz)and place them upfront OR get some tiype of time alignment tool and then use the 15's as TRUE subwoofers(crossover 20-30Hz and lower).....and rock out.....
  15. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

  16. dave_Edwards

    Brooksies L8's in the doors

    Without Ramos I don't know what I would have done.......as for Mr. Brooks's install, I can't wait to meet the man, the myth, the ledgend, and hear how the truck sounds!!!
  17. dave_Edwards

    Pioneer P9 problem

    update.......Well I got a call from the service guy and he said it was gonna be $540 to replace the control assembly, he said that is what it needs....I know I have a HU for Elite but $540 for a whole new control assembly(some guys HU don't cost that damn much).....oh yeah....the best part...the part is on a 90 day plus back order.......oh what to do??
  18. dave_Edwards

    Brooksies L8's in the doors

  19. dave_Edwards

    Brooksies L8's in the doors

    and if you have tatoos on ya boobies....please cover them if you look like a cracked out stripper
  20. dave_Edwards

    Active setup problem

    yes.....you can do that
  21. dave_Edwards

    Active setup problem

    I am glad I don't use my EQ.....you guys are making it too hard....I believe in the cut not boost theory.....as for your tweeters, I think you can still get a good soundstage from those locations.Place more time into crossover points and isolating the rearwave and you should have good results.
  22. dave_Edwards

    Active setup problem

    what are you having the hardest time with placing? the tweets or the mids? I would try placing the mids first....try them in 1 of 3 locations.....kicks(on and off axis).....on the dash...or maybe if you want to get custom in the pillar(you can use towels to place them up there)...........Find out which placement gives you the best imaging and go from there. As for the tweets....I use the old velcro tape trick until they blend well with the mids.... Also remember to play around with the crossover points also.
  23. dave_Edwards

    Active setup problem

    I'll tell you this......my scores this year have all been by me setting the EQ by ear..... http://mecacaraudio.com/memberpoints.aspx?...memberid=319818 watch who you call retarded...Sean knows alot about alot.
  24. dave_Edwards

    question on New 08' Btls?

    Fs is singular nor plural..... Fs------This parameter is the free-air resonant frequency of a speaker. Simply stated, it is the point at which the weight of the moving parts of the speaker becomes balanced with the force of the speaker suspension when in motion. If you've ever seen a piece of string start humming uncontrollably in the wind, you have seen the effect of reaching a resonant frequency. It is important to know this information so that you can prevent your enclosure from 'ringing'. With a loudspeaker, the mass of the moving parts, and the stiffness of the suspension (surround and spider) are the key elements that affect the resonant frequency. As a general rule of thumb, a lower Fs indicates a woofer that would be better for low-frequency reproduction than a woofer with a higher Fs. This is not always the case though, because other parameters affect the ultimate performance as well.
  25. dave_Edwards

    question on New 08' Btls?

    https://ssl.perfora.net/www.ficaraudio.com/...view.shopscript might not have all the parameters but I am sure Nick or someone can fill the gaps.