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Everything posted by rumproast789

  1. rumproast789

    3 peat by lil wayne

    Good stuff. Thanks guys
  2. rumproast789

    3 peat by lil wayne

    alright so basicallly, just play it smart and turn it down a little bit more than usual?
  3. rumproast789

    Enclosure + Setup Help

    Why not just do a wall setup? I would think it would be more work to make the port fire into the trunk, because then you would have to worry bout a crap loud of rattling
  4. rumproast789

    Four AQ SDC2.5 15"s

    Ah, I thought they were close to the price lol. Yeah it makes sense now. I wanna hear these things wham because they look very good.
  5. rumproast789

    Four AQ SDC2.5 15"s

    why those over hdc3's?
  6. rumproast789

    DP 12" in a Regular Cab Dodge

    Which DD subs? And yeah, audio is starting to get big at my school but in reality theres only about a max of 20 kids with subs out of like 1500... Still seems like a lot though, you know?
  7. rumproast789

    3 peat by lil wayne

    Idk, all I know is that if you look at it on audacity it has a clearly clipped signal on some of the bass notes.
  8. rumproast789

    SAZ-3000D @ .5Ω load daily

    You finally joined!! Your system is going to bang, good choice on the Sundown amp
  9. rumproast789

    Fi IB3 18"

    Same for me. same for me
  10. rumproast789

    lol to my friend

    I figured this could go here instead of the box section So yeah, I was telling my friend how I'm going to die when I build my box because it just looks pretty hard. He is a pretty stubborn person and he thinks theres no difference after 2000 watts whether you have a sealed or ported box. He says I should just get a box premade because its not worth it and it won't make a difference He also thinks that no matter how big I make it, it won't make a difference in how loud it gets. lol, discuss.
  11. rumproast789

    DP 12" in a Regular Cab Dodge

    This is so sick, i cant wait to see vids and more pics
  12. rumproast789

    Power Acoustik SL-5500D

    bump, any opinions?
  13. rumproast789

    Trade-In Program

    I am definately for this. This is a really cool idea if you get it up and working right.
  14. rumproast789

    My System

    I really don't think you should pay that much for a sealed box... thats just my two cents.... Look at fisher customs, I'm pretty sure it's cheaper from him/them for a better built box. 300-350 for a sealed "custom" box just is a little too much
  15. rumproast789

    4-5 cubes at 32hz in regular cab Silverado!

    I would say two subs behind each seat, then the port in the center facing up. Sort of like this awesome setup (for the port that is)
  16. rumproast789

    Volt Meters

    lol, oh, I thought that had something to do with the car. I think I have one of those, I just call it a volt meter. It reads all you listed and more. So That sounds good, idk, it will be a tough decision. I dont want to do any fiberglassing or cutting up the car lol...
  17. Anyone know of any good ones? Not like a hand held, like one I can look at while I'm driving or sitting in my seat or something. Like this stinger one, but I just want to see what others there are, and your opinions on some you own... http://cgi.ebay.com/STINGER-SVMB-VOLTMETER...8QQcmdZViewItem or http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m303/cH...cs/P1020013.jpg (bottom of the pic)
  18. rumproast789

    Volt Meters

    I was looking at that one, but I would only end up getting that if I found a place to put it, or if I went with a single din, or 1.5 din headunit. Looks really promising. thanks. and care to give me a quick explanation of what a DMM reading is ?
  19. rumproast789

    Volt Meters

    How did you know it was .1 volt off of what it really was? Do you know what exact version it was?
  20. rumproast789

    Power Acoustik SL-5500D

    Just looking for input, thanks. All and all, I would much rather get a Sundown 3000d but I'd rather save some money just incase I need the cash. Eh, I might end up even waiting for the Sundown 2000d's to come out, I hope there is a pre-sale....
  21. rumproast789

    Power Acoustik SL-5500D

    Yeah, that power output just doesn't seem like it could be any where near 4200 rms. I can get that for 289$ free shipping, where as I can get the Crunch GP for 450$ free shipping. Anyone can really but I'm just saying. Would the price difference change your mind?
  22. rumproast789

    Fi accessories

    Lol, I was going to say something like that but I figured it might have been stupid to say. They would probably look sick
  23. rumproast789

    box for 18" btl

    I swear you're one of the most helpful people lol The specs BKOLFO gave you sound good, hope you post pics of your install.
  24. rumproast789

    4 15s vs 2 18s

    There better be sick vids... How much did the DD's run you?
  25. rumproast789

    Fi - Sundown

    I was thinking the same thing... it looks really, well, kinda chitty? The connection that is.