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Everything posted by LazyFcuk

  1. LazyFcuk

    Wisdom Teeth

    Just get a little syringe and squirt water into the hole if something gets stuck, do it after you eat something just to make sure its clean.
  2. LazyFcuk

    Quick over-view of project.

    Ok so everything is ordered and should be here within a week. Car: 2000 explorer Materials: -Alpine cde-102 H/U -18" Fi BL with Cooling, Flatwind. D2, wired to 1 ohm. -Sundown 1500D -8cu ft. box tuned to 32hz. -KNU 1/0 amp wiring kit. -RCA's, etc all form knu -12 gauge speaker wire from KNU Too start of this is just a quick run through to make sure everything is right. First I will be doing Big 3 soon enough but for the first little bit I will be without it. Now I am keeping my stock battery and alt as the battery is very good and the alt is 130amps which should be fine for the one amp. I have installed my h/u with the remote and the rca's running down the right side of the SUV. The 1/0 gauge will be running down the left. So i will connect my amp and screw in my sub but before connecting the two I will set my gain with a multi-meter and a cd with the test one of 50hz. I am going to be running the sub at 1500w max since it is fully loaded and I have been told it can handle that. So that means I shall be looking for 38.7volts on the multi-meter when the h/u is playing at 3/4 volume, sub max, and everything else at what it will be played at when everything is ready. I know that to never play my volume at full so I will not go pas 3/4 volume which is 27 on mine. So once all the gain is set and the rest of the knobs are set I connect my sub. I will break it in for at least a good 4 hours before giving it a challenge. I am looking for any advice or if there is anything I have missed please let me know as I will not take any offense.
  3. LazyFcuk

    New Look

    The top left pull down like if it was a magazine is starting to piss me off lmao
  4. LazyFcuk

    FI get my e-mail?

    Sent you guys a couple of e-mails with no response. Just wondering if it has been shipped yet and if you think I will have it by the 16th. Got a lil car show and wanting to represent FI there. order #I-12535/00‏
  5. LazyFcuk

    FI get my e-mail?

    I know you guys are busy and all but it has been a week now of constant e-mailing with no reply's. It is just a simple question which is most likely useless now.
  6. LazyFcuk

    FI get my e-mail?

  7. LazyFcuk

    Quick over-view of project.

    always appreciate your advice but as far as tuning it and everyhting it looks good?
  8. LazyFcuk

    Quick over-view of project.

    Thanks, any pointers on set up?
  9. LazyFcuk

    Quick over-view of project.

    Any responses?
  10. k thanks originally i had the two side wrapped together, ill save it for when i add my second BL
  11. i bought http://www.knukonceptz.com/productDetail.cfm?prodID=KLE12BL knu 12 gauge and my question is do I split the wire into two or do I wrap them together. Or is one tube for positive and the other negative? so like instead of two wires running to my amp I will have one then at the amp I will split it into two by separating the 2 chambers?
  12. Ok so i actually ordered double than what i needed?
  13. LazyFcuk

    FI get my e-mail?

    Yes many different ones in fact.
  14. LazyFcuk

    FI get my e-mail?

  15. LazyFcuk

    FI get my e-mail?

    any reply?, i know you guys are busy but i have been trying to contact you guys for many days now
  16. LazyFcuk

    Gain Help

    So everything for my system shall be arriving very soon and I am already to hook it up. I am running a 18" BL with a sundown 1500, now my question is how do i properly break in the subs. I know consistent volume etc. the question I have is what my gain shall be set to. I know what clipping is and everything but as it being a new sub how am I supposed to know what to set it to. After I set it is it supposed to be changed to go along with the break in. As far as my HU goes I have a Alpine cde-102, cheap i know but it will do the trick. The HU has features such as sub woofer control which is 0-15, and many other things, the other question is for that is what I should be setting all those things to.
  17. LazyFcuk

    Gain Help

    awsome thanks for all your help i cant wait to get this in, do you recomend me getting big 3 right away or can i wait another pay check?
  18. LazyFcuk

    Gain Help

    and let me get this straight the "bass boost" knob which can be mounted by your set actually controls the gain. so id the knob is on full it will act act like where we set the max gain to be at 38.7volts. but at low knob boost then the gain will be lower?
  19. LazyFcuk

    Gain Help

    how should all of those be set?
  20. LazyFcuk

    Gain Help

    as in?
  21. LazyFcuk

    Gain Help

    Unhook your subs from your amp. Turn your volume knob to where you want it and turn your REMOTE gain knob ALL THE WAY UP. Start playing the 50Hz test tone in a loop while increasing your gain on the amplifier. Once you hit 38.7 volts, stop. Plug your subs in. Don't touch your gain knob again. Never turn your HU up past the point where you set your gain at. You will blow your subwoofer. perfect so using 50hz is the best? Now should the bl fully loaded be able to handle the 1500watts? So my box being tuned to 32hz has nothing to do with the tone chosen from the cd.
  22. LazyFcuk

    Gain Help

    can anyone just explain to me what i should be doing to set my gain, i know that the gain max should be at 3/4 volume and never exceed that. So i take 1500 then square it which is 38.7. so i use my multi meter and useing a 50hz test tone i adjust the gain up until it hits 38.7 volts.
  23. LazyFcuk

    Gain Help

    the sub can take more than 1000w but it depends on what options you got on the sub. its fully loaded with cooling and flatwind
  24. LazyFcuk

    Gain Help

    Ok just spent like an hour reading about it but i still am a little confused. What test tone should i be using? Also as far as how many volts to use as my number. I know in the tutorial if the sub rms is lower than the amp you use that. so the sqrt of 1000 is around 31.6 but thats using 1000 watts to the sub, now I heard they can handle more so should i rate the sub power as higher?