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Everything posted by BaMF101

  1. BaMF101

    I've seen this too many times

    One of my friend says that having (2) 8" subs is like having (1) 16" sub Also, another one of these guys I met says that porting a box is taking a drill and drilling a hole in the box
  2. BaMF101

    DB Electrical alternators any good?

    I think the ones youre looking at are not actually DB Electrical named. They are Delco brand, DB Electrical is just the place that is selling them, Im still not sure on the quality of the Delco alternators, so I cant make any judgment.
  3. BaMF101

    Fi Bl 15"

    Does the gas pedal stick to the floor??
  4. BaMF101

    my 18" btl

    Brushed aluminum = sexy... I would have gotten that but I got red instead to match my car
  5. BaMF101

    3 fi ssd 18's vs. 2 fi bl 18's

    My opinion I would go with the SSDs also..
  6. Its probably so it has a clean signal, but you wont need it.. im guessing haha
  7. BaMF101

    (2) 18" Q ported to sealed

    Ok I got 2 18" Qs in a 12 cu. box at 28 hz. I know thats just barely the minimum for them, but thats the most I can go. I was wondering if I switched to a sealed box around 13.6 cu. would be more appropriate for these woofers. I havent heard what a Q sounds like sealed before so I was just some opinions on what you guys think. The box would also have bracing inside, so after displacement it would be around 13 cu. Let me know thanks ps..... the woofers would be facing towards the back
  8. BaMF101

    (2) 18" Q ported to sealed

    Yes output, I dont think that they are putting out what they could be right now, hence why Im asking for opinions on what a larger box sealed would sound better. Right now it just sounds like theyre choking in my opinion. I know you guys on here dont like the word "louder" or "SQ" hahah which is why Im staying away from those words
  9. BaMF101

    kinetic hc2400

    My 1800 melted.... haha but that was because the terminals became loose and arc'd. Oh boy was it fun to see the posts glowing white with sparks hitting my roof, my car almost started on fire that day
  10. BaMF101

    (2) 18" Q ported to sealed

    Well I was just wondering if anyone has heard a Q both ported AND sealed and what their thoughts of them were. I like to listen to rap, and hip hop, and occasionally some 70s and 80s :) I have a 2000 Chevy Blazer, and right now I dont think my 18s are "puttin out" as much as they could since theyre in a just barely minimum spec box for ported.
  11. BaMF101

    FrostedFlakeJake's Build Log

    At a quick glance I thought the truck was LOWERED with beefy tires, I was like Haha but then I gained more braincells and looked again
  12. BaMF101

    sub-amp specifications

    Dual 2 ohm voice coils... and wire them like dissss
  13. BaMF101

    Got my two 18" Q's!

    Hope you love the Q's I know I adore the hell out of them
  14. BaMF101

    Masterofallbass's Build w/ XXV Maxxmus

    I loveeeeee the idea of the Z-5500 speakers in the dash! I got the same set on my computer, they are hella loud for how small they are.
  15. BaMF101

    2 BL 10's on pdx 1.1000

    Some bass
  16. BaMF101

    2 Fi 18" Qs with 12 cu ft. box

    2000 Chevy Blazer GEORGEOUS 18s, dual 1 ohm with BP power option 1/0 cable to do the Big 3 Soon to be upgrading to a 220 amp HO alternator Thats what the setup looks like so far... not bad for my seconds stereo haha, Im kinda new in the game so I will learn as I go.
  17. BaMF101

    2 Fi 18" Qs with 12 cu ft. box

    Sounds awesome! My buddy has a 18" Q in a Jeep but it doesnt compare to my 2 18s (obviously haha) but.... it bangs the lows, but if it was in a bigger box i can only imagine the difference... I guess I can heard from inside my house to our local gas station (which is about 1/4 mile away) so I guess I cant complain! Ive also have drove by the college in town, and I got a call from my other buddy asking if i just drove by because I was shaking the windows...
  18. BaMF101

    2 Fi 18" Qs with 12 cu ft. box

    Yes its only single baffle but its braced.. and yes the box is small, but thats the max dimensions I can go ( I need to see a little out the back window haha) 38" wide..... 25" high.... 32" deep... with 6.5" wide port.. and total comes to 12 cu ft. @28 hz
  19. BaMF101

    2 Fi 18" Qs with 12 cu ft. box

    Whoopsies accidently added some photos to be really small, will re-upload them to a bigger size...
  20. BaMF101

    2 18'' FI Q

    I got 2 18" Qs in a 12 cu ft. box @28 hz and it slammmmms the lows, but you will definitly need a second battery, my Kinetik drains pretty fast even with the big 3 done in 1/0. I suggest a high output alternator too, which is what I might get for Christmas to supply these beasts.
  21. I have a question, I was rolling down the highway when one of my friends in my backseat heard sparks shooting from the battery (which was when I looked back to see my battery posts red hot and melted. I have the Kinetik HC1800 in the back, and just a stock Interstate battery in the front along with the Big 3 in 1/0 wiring. What would be the cause of this major problem??? And yes I did stop in the middle of the road to fan out the smoke in the back :( PS Ill get pictures of the demolished battery if you would like
  22. Front battery is fine suprisingly... I was waiting for my front battery to be just as worse but I guess not ....
  23. Alrighty i just got done emailing Kinetik, and Im waiting for a response so I hope I will be able to get it returned for a new one, it has a 3 year warranty so I guess well see what goes down