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Posts posted by porkchop

  1. I was in the same boat with you on trying to decide on what battery to run, two bat caps put out 50AH, 2000 CCA for $300.

    Lately I been thinking of getting two XS Power Batteries D2400 & D3100 for my system but today I spoke to a friend in Chicago who owns his own sound shop and stop selling Optima Batteries because price has been going up while quality is going done. Then he thought of Kinetik Batteries but wanted a battery with a less price tag for his customers so he told me about Shuriken Batteries which I been seing in local stereo shops here in Dallas, Fort Worth area. Basically their the same as Kinetik but cheaper, so I checked them out today and they just entered the car audio industry around 2007-2008 and where at CES 2009. Their only sold at a few places now sonicelectronix.com and a couple smaller companies on the internet, but fairly priced.

    Now Im looking at their BT-80 or BT-100(Starting) & BT-120(System), www.shurikenonline.com

    http://www.shurikenonline.com/brochure.pdf (2009 Brochure)

    Check them out, the BT-120 does 2600 CCA & 120 Ah for $270-300.

    hey jay! did you ever go with these batteries? i see in your sig the delta's. just curious, thanks.

  2. Mr. Shizzzon, you are awesome! thanks so much dude. i will get the third one ordered and me and mdizzle will get to building this box asap. also on the list is his big three upgrade and add an additional battery( as cheap as possible till money gets right,{any suggestion welcomed}) and then off to the sound offs in lafeyette on the 25th, wish we could smash into chicago the 26th also, for massonics, we'll see.

    truly though, thanks a million, you have helped so much.

    Thanks Chop

  3. since you have obvisouly done your homework on these subswhich specs did you use? i have found two different specs for the 187's . would like to know which is right. on the IA sight is one and another on SSA's store page.

  4. Only one topic is needed. Did you check the Sticky in the Incriminator forum for your answer?

    sorry guy, yeah there is two different specs, just want to make sure this box is built off the accurate ones, as well as was hoping the folks who sell these take notice of the differences. trying to help out on that end. if you come across the right info for me , it would be greatly appreciated.

    thanks chop

  5. i guess i am confused by the specs, as to which set to go by. the specs on IA's website for the 187's are different than the ones in SSA's Store section...........same sub, same size, different specs, can someone confirm which is the specs for these subs (187)

  6. i guess i am confused by the specs, as to which set to go by. the specs on IA's website for the 187's are different than the ones in SSA's Store section...........same sub, same size, different specs, can someone confirm which is the specs for these subs (187)


    still sort of checking back to see what the answer to this mystery is, would like to know the full specs on these subs, thank you for your help in advance.


  7. man does those size stickers cost alot? i am flat ass broke but if a few of us put some cash together, let's pitch in and get this guy a new badge! it's obviuous he was representing us rightously before this happened. i dont know , just that it f'ed up, i think we ought to do something.

  8. okay got my precision ports today. 2 @ 4" X 17" and i'm thinking this box needs to be 13.5" H X 56" W X 16" D , if i have to expand it would be the width could do perhaps another two inches or so, would have to really look at it closer again. it will be subs up, port back. if absoulutley necassary i could bump a portioin of the box backwards and add addtional space, was hoping to leave it rectangular, in case of rebuild and selll off type thing. any help? thinking me and mdizzle5472 are going to build it as soon as i get the design down

    oh for two 12" 187's!!! thanks

  9. okay got my precision ports today. 2 @ 4" X 17" and i'm thinking this box needs to be 13.5" H X 56" W X 16" D , if i have to expand it would be the width could do perhaps another two inches or so, would have to really look at it closer again. it will be subs up, port back. if absoulutley necassary i could bump a portioin of the box backwards and add addtional space, was hoping to leave it rectangular, in case of rebuild and selll off type thing. any help? thinking me and mdizzle5472 are going to build it as soon as i get the design down
