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Everything posted by Frostedflakejake

  1. Frostedflakejake

    5 cft gross volume for 1 18" btl?

    out of curiousity... why the bxi 2610
  2. Frostedflakejake

    SHURiKEN SK-BT120 vs. Kinetik HC2400

    just ordered the kinetik from woofersect.com unfortunately it's on backorder so only god knows how long it will take to get here
  3. So pretty much what the title says. Looking to buy a battery to run a SAZ-3000d. Already ordered a 260 HO alt from Iraggi. Mainly im looking for a comparison between the Shuriken and the Kinetik. which would you buy? prices are close enough for that to not be a factor. Both are 2600 amps which is why im comparing them!! Any input would be nice! thanks! let the replies come
  4. Frostedflakejake

    SHURiKEN SK-BT120 vs. Kinetik HC2400

    yeah i was thinking kinetik myself but thats just because i've heard more hype about them which doesn't always make the product better. I can get one for 370 shipped, so i think i'll do it. and yeah, the shuriken has like ten pounds or something on the kinetik...
  5. Frostedflakejake

    New Head Unit

    oh, also, alpine really seems to boast about this "bio-lite" display they got going on. and i do say, it never glares up and it's always extremely easy to read. a nice feature.
  6. Frostedflakejake

    New Head Unit

    the alpine 9886 is what i would buy (oh wait... already did that) you can get it for 299.99 online at crutchfield. or 269.99 on sonicelectronix. but with cruthfield you get the wiring harness and dash kit i believe, which would cost you about another 30 anyways The 9886 is super easy to use, super easy. The ipod controls are cool and it charges certain models of ipod (they list the ones they charge online) the SQ is better than i expected. and i expected good things. It's a great unit if your not going to spend the time, or have the in-depth knowledge, to tune your entire system to absolute maximum. if that's what your looking for... alpine 9887, eclipse 7200mkII. But understand that if you don't know what you're doing, and you buy those, you're just wasting your money. only complaint about the 9886, is the USB hook up (separate from ipod control) is a unnecessarily short cable. I bought it for its SQ and its user friendly-ness
  7. Frostedflakejake

    whats your 9 to 5?

    Domino's Pizza Delivery
  8. Frostedflakejake


    excessive amperage, iraggi, mechman, dc power. im rather partial to iraggi, but that's because i own one. i hear good things about dc. very good things
  9. Frostedflakejake

    AQ220d vs. SAZ-2000d

    You probably aren't going to encounter customer service from any company that sells amps better than sundown's customer service. if db-r has one back in stock sometime soon, they DO come with a 1 year warranty, or at least my 3000d did. I have no experience with Audioque, so i can't help there man but i can assure if you buy a used amp from db-r, it will come in mechanically new condition and besides cosmetic damages, which in my experience were very minimal, you won't be able to tell its not new. hope i helped
  10. Frostedflakejake

    Kappa speakers shorting out on door

    yeah i used a coat hanger, it seemed to have the right amount of rigidness for me
  11. Frostedflakejake

    crunch 1500.1 any good

    I've never seen/used a crunch that meets my expectations. i have the p1100.2 and its junk. i can't even sell it for $50
  12. get the sundown, they are amazing amplifiers. Check db-r.com regularly to see if they get any ones refurbished. they are only like 385 or something refurbished (there is one in stock today!) plus someone on the forum might have one they want to get rid of if the one on db-r is gone. They can go pretty fast like the last 3000d, i wonder who got that one..
  13. Frostedflakejake

    Component Set Help

    So i'm trying to find a good component set for my 2004 explorer. The stock speakers are 6X8's. when it comes to components speakers, i don't really know much of anything. i need 2 sets, (4 speakers together) and my price range is near $150 a set. (perferablly lower, of course ) i was looking at the Infinity Kappa's 680.9's. anyone have any experience with these or other Kappa components? I got a 18" btl and a saz3000d, so i really need to get rid of the stock speakers. no rush though, i still have to buy an Iraggi Alternator and a Kinetik for the car before i start on components. (but they should come quick, im selling alot of stuff on craigslist) I'm looking mainly for something with good sound quality. an amp that you suggest being under $300 would be great too head unit is an Alpine 9886 Thanks!!!
  14. Frostedflakejake

    Component Set Help

    i DO have sound deadening actually!! it was a christmas gift. 36ft^2 of second skin audio dampflifier pro! but just the front stage... that would be excellent actually. hopefully i could save some money. any suggestions????
  15. Frostedflakejake

    hifonics brutus

    haha i like phi's response. i've never owned a Hifonics personally, but i know on this forum alone you can find several horror stories of a hifonics going "poof" pretty much what everyone else has been saying, spent the extra $$$ for an AP or AQ, its not even that much more $$
  16. Frostedflakejake

    how important is MDF size

    So after taking a bed apart a few days ago i discovered the mass use of MDF used in the bed's structure. Now if i wanna build a box for my 18" btl, people always say use 1/2" MDF. How important is that 1/2" ? Why does it need to be that thick? For structural/support reasons? the MDF from the bed is 3/8" and i'm going to go buy the 1/2" just because everyone on here says to do it and i trust them, i was just curious. I have like...50 square feet of the stuff.
  17. Frostedflakejake

    how important is MDF size

    yeah from what i hear, the double baffle is a must. alright, thanks guys! ill post some pictures soon
  18. Frostedflakejake

    how important is MDF size

    yeah i'll start a "please help i'm building my first box" post after christmas. i would LOVE to start this weekend but i need the money for christmas shopping :/ but i have seen some pictures of great internal structure that i plan on following rather closely. where did you guys get your MDF? i just checked my lowe's and home-depot and the thickest available is 3/4. and i am NOT ordering wood online to ship, those shipping costs must be hell.
  19. Frostedflakejake

    how important is MDF size

    so i can't really get a hold of inch thick MDF. how about douple layer of 3/4?
  20. Frostedflakejake

    how important is MDF size

    yeah sorry for that. EDIT 3/8" so you say at least an inch thick all around
  21. i would get a 260 alt. What vehicle do you have? If possible, i recommend Iraggi
  22. Frostedflakejake

    fi x12 question

    well recommended power is 300 per sub so if you had 4 the recommended would be 1200 watts. 1500 would be okay i would think... how big will the box be?