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Posts posted by KeeEnterprises

  1. I have been thinking that I want a pretty decent size (1000WRMS) maybe up to 1500 but I want a Mono block amp that will do a 1 ohm load and like it! Would this amp meet this criteria! It says 1200W RMS and I have heard some decent stuff on these amps but not enough to know if they have the Power they say! Specs say http://edesignaudio.com/product.php?cid=4&pid=6&cur=USD see here for yourself! I like the look too! Kinda hip and says play me loud!

    <p> But yeah so who has one or has messed around with these bad boys! Good price too for a new amp! $320 from a neighbor! What ya'll thinkin? Get it or pass? Dont absolutely need it but want it cuz need a new project.

  2. Just had the exact same scenario!! About a month ago needed what you you want now! Here's what I did....

    First i wrote forums asked around and did what your doing now! SO far so good! Finally after not wanting to spend more than 125 or so I said OPTIMA! So I made a decision. Now what color? Well I want my system to slam and not die on me 2-3 times a day anymore so I did more asking? After car audio says Yellow top CuZ there perferred in Audio comps and what not & I did say I want LOUD but ny mechanic tells me no Yellow cuz they are made to not do the Every day drivin thing alot and only used where you hardly use your car but bump and produce more Crankin amps and heeeba jeeba.... So no yellow top he says if you drive alot! So since I drive my car all the time daily he said has to be Red! Well to make a long story short I listened to him and Bought a RED one! The bigger better red one! Set ya back about 150 right? Nope not me! Never pay retail! Wholesale always! Unless u havent a choice than ya know! But being as I had a "Battery Connection" (friend of a friend) I eneded up gettin a steal on a Brand New Red Top Optima Battery which is designed for every day driving! ALL DAMN DAY! If your ears can take it... Mine can! So for a $100 exactly,(CASH) I did what you want to do!!! & Am Happy as Rainman in a Casino! Red top is awesome by the way! Haven't had to jumpstart my car once since I made the switch! Also no more Dimming lights,etc. etc. and Da trunk is coming off da Trunk!!!! LOUD as heck! Just seems so much better!

    N-E-Ways hope everythin pans out 4 ya! GOODLUCK! :ugh2:

  3. I cant stand this chit anymore! OOppss can I swear in here? LOL Anyways Ive done everykind of search for the PPI car amps on all models. High and low through Google searches with rephrasing the words and the whole bit! For makin some bomb ass amps they suck with tellin you how to use the Dang Things!!! Well yeah I know they sold out and ya da ya da but CHHEEZZZ can I get a lil help people! Startin to get frustrated,mad,tired and ready 4 a new amp! Only had these PPI's for a lil over 4 months together but now I think I want a 1500W to 2000W Mono Amp or 2 channel. But I put in some time and efforts pickin up these PC 2150's and they are tight as hell. But I have this one right here layin onn the ground all ripped open and want to know a lil somethin but cant find nada! Just doin a RCA repair but wanted to know what happens with all these componets, transcistors, jumpers, capacitors and the works but cant find no one to help a PPI owner out! Would love to know all about this amp & I mean everything! I mean since I bought 2 might as well get acuainted with your hardware! Anyone in here got a old manual you want to send me or copy it with a scanner and tell me how much to send it to me! Plus can you have to of these hooked up to where there like a single driver(Master/Slave like the Viper/Directed amps?)Anyone know?

    By the way I got my ride hittin hard as hell and want someone to DB test me but who and where they got time I dont know! I have 2-15's runnin off one amp and 2 12's runnin the other! Plus what buttons do I want pushed in and vice versa with both amps! One amp is hooked up to my Sub/out RCA comin off deck and the other is just runnin on own rca's on deck also! Want loudest possible setup to be told to me by GREAT CAR GODS? Or a cool SSA member wil work! What's my ohms at like this??? All subs parralell config (Dual 6 ohm Voice coils) is it dropped to a half ohm or is it 1.5 like on JL's site when running an amp to 2 subs a piece? All subs would have to be on just one amp to get to a half ohm correct??? I dont know thats why I AM A askin! Thanks SSA

    Sorry i just wrote all this bleh blab when I aint even posted in a couple months. Just makin up for lost time! Oh yeah got a Optima Battery installed a month ago and havent died once since!!!! :woot::woot:

  4. Don't know whats up with the exclamatioins mark! Its easier to reach on a keyboard than a period. For me anyways, thanks tirefyr for the knowledge. No all the subs are in there own enclosures otherwise I dont think I could get them in my trunk! The other thing I was wonderin is where to get a PPI Q-Bass Remote 4 a decent price? Anyone know? thanks It can be used too.

  5. I never tried this until about 3 months ago when a friend who had W-6's in his truck awhile back said that JL's tend to hit harder in a Ported Enclosure w/ Polyfill stuffed throughout the enclosure. Does anyone know if this is true or not? I have had my 15's in single Ported Enclosures w/Polyfill for about 2 to 3 months and I'm not positive but I think it might be hittin harder but also I have a PPI amp now running these subs when before I had Phoenix Gold XS2500! That could be why also! What do you Fellas think? I have just picked up another PPI PC2150 tonight about an hour or so ago on my way home from work too! So this is my setup now! 2 15's W-6's ran parallel to one PPI 2150, 2 12's W-6's that were on the XS2500 but tomorrow that will change to a 2150 also! All subs are in single enclosures! 1.0 Farad Cap to each amp also! What kind of DB's should I be puttin out? Wish I could find out, Going to sell the Phoenix Gold XS2500 (Have LPL Bass Knob) to a lucky person on E-bay or theres a few friends who might want it! Payed 440 when it came out and have only used it for about a year and 6 months total!

    Anyone on here is welcome to make an Offer or inquire on it. I am looking to get $150 w/LPL and 125 w/out. Still works GREAT!!! AWESOMWE AMP!!! Anyone interested shoot me a message! THanks So whats the DEAL ON THE POLYFILL???? N-E-ONE KNOW?

  6. Thanks everyone for all the help and advice! I have already won the bid for 50 sq. ft and now I am a lilttle worried because of the response from TechSys and how he was treated in his purchase! I wish I would of read this before I bid that would of stopped me from buying most likely! Maybe I'll just not pay and take a non paying item strike! Where can you buy the SS Dampening stuff and for how much? It seems like theres alot of good things agreed upon by everyone about there product. How much would 50 sq.ft. be though? THanks again

  7. I am thinking about buying some off E-bay and they have good feedback and all but is this brand name any good? Havent heard too much as far as quality and who's line of Dynamat/Sound suppressing material to know which to get? All I know is I need something because my car rattles everywhere inside and the trunk is falling apart. Need advice!! The listing on e-bay is {http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5828796442&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1}

    That seems either kinda cheap or just a good deal! They always have a list of bidders so it might be good but I don't know.50 Sq.Ft for #49.99 + 19.99 to ship. What ya'll think? Thanks

  8. Is this a good idea or no? I have a bandpass box for 2 12's and I just grabbed a couple W-6's Dual 6-Ohm subs and was wondering if anyone had some advice on whether or not to put them in this banpass box. There is a divider in the box so they will both have there own enclosure with 2 ports a piece. I have no idea if these subs can go or are even recommended for this type of box so I know someone on here knows or has tryed this. Anybody who has put W-6's in a Bandpass enclosure please let me know if it sounded ok or what. THanks ANY ADVICE? NEED HELP!!!!

  9. Thanks mrray13! I been needed some advice on setting gains and all that Mumbo Jumbo Car installation stuff! But 4 Reals that was some knowledge and therefore I will soak it up like a sponge! I thought that it could be possible for the XS2500 to push 1000 Watts since it says 500X1 @ 2 ohms but I wasn't sure if it could push that much Power! Now I know! The chitty thing is know I have to send it in somewhere and the damn thing weighs like 51 pounds and shipping both ways is gonna be a few bucks! Also can you tell me if the FUBAR 15 inch sub I have is gonna do the same thing if I have it hooked up the same way! Will the voice coils blow on that also? It is Rated at a 1000Watts RMS also and is a Dual 4 Ohm Coil Sub! Thanks again mrray13 and I know where to go for all future car audio questions! Much Respects!

  10. I have a PowerBass XS15Dv.2 that I just picked up and only had 500Watts RMS pushing the Damn thing and the positive on one side & neg. on the other blew!(Voice Coils) What would cause this? I bridged my Phoenix Gold XS2500 and had the Sensitivity & Bass controls at about half way up! I hooked up the sub in Parrallel config. How can you blow the voice coils of a 1000W RMS Sub if you hook up 500W to it! Can someone explain! Also how can I get it fixed? Thanks

  11. I have 4 15's I need to fit in my Altima! Kinda a wierd lineup but I got screamin deals so oh well! I need some advice on how to run everything! I have 2 Phoenix Golds XS2500's and a PPI PC2150. Heres my subs 2 15 inch JL Audio W-6's and 1 15-inchPBX PowerBass XSDv.2 and 1 Power Acoustik 15-inch FUBAR 15W(1000w RMS ones) This is how I was gonna set it up but need help! I was gonna run an XS2500 bridged to 2Ohm to the PBX and FUBAR!(1 to each bridged) than run the PPI to the 2 JL's.... What do you think? I have a cap too a phoenix Gold XSC1o at 1.0 farad but I know I'll have to either get another alternator put in or a Optima Battery! Which should I do? I havent hooked it all up yet because I just got the PBX & FUBAR but am ready to try and see if I can Blow Them! (MY EAR DRUMS) Any help with Box specs or what I should do or how to wire all this would be exteremely helpful! I have all the boxes singled out! So I can fit them in the Trunk~ Thanks again to all people who will offer help!

  12. Hey ya'all Im new to this here site and forum! My name is Rick and Im from DA801! S.L.C. I have just recently became exterem ly motivated in going DEAF! I have 4 15's I need to fit in my Altima! Kinda a wierd lineup but I got screamin deals so oh well! I need some advice on how to run everything! I have 2 Phoenix Golds XS2500's and a PPI PC2150. Heres my subs 2 15 inch JL Audio W-6's and 1 15-inchPBX PowerBass XSDv.2 and 1 Power Acoustik 15-inch FUBAR 15W(1000w RMS ones) This is how I was gonna set it up but need help! I was gonna run an XS2500 bridged to 2Ohm to the PBX and FUBAR!(1 to each bridged) than run the PPI to the 2 JL's.... What do you think? I have a cap too a phoenix Gold XSC1o at 1.0 farad but I know I'll have to either get another alternator put in or a Optima Battery! Which should I do? I havent hooked it all up yet because I just got the PBX & FUBAR but am ready to try and see if I can Blow Them! (MY EAR DRUMS) Any help with Box specs or what I should do or how to wire all this would be exteremely helpful! Thanks & I'm happy to be aboard ya'll Forum! Thanks

    Much Respects TO ALL,

