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El Cazador

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Posts posted by El Cazador

  1. Meh

    Ricey racing seats

    Ricey wheel

    Ricey body kit


    Lots of smack coming from someone with nothing to show!


    I'm not allowed to have an opinion?


    Ricey racing seats

    Ricey wheel

    Ricey body kit

    Honestly? It's an Eclipse, for a teenage guy. It fits perfectly.

    Still ricey, though

    Oem lip kit, some suspension, and some low offset wheels would make that eclipse look amazing.

    If this is gonna be a show car, OP should know what's in and whats out in the import world.

    You can have your opinion but until you can show that you can do better or have something better then .... :stfu:

    This is a father son project with a lot of hard work and hours put into a project that will last a lifetime. We all could only wish we could have an oppurtunity like this!

    Posted these on here before



    Btw, who cares what kind of project it is.. am i not entitled to have an opinion on the car? I think he went the wrong direction with it.. :shrug:

    Everyone is gonna have an opinion..it's no different than folks who get bashed for using kicker and other mainstream brands.

    On a brighter note, OP gets props for doing this with his son :drink40:

    wish my dad was into cars like that

    Well, you can sit back and eat some rice until it's done, cause you haven't seen or heard the half of it.

    "BTW" : Your ride's the one that looks like someone went the wrong way with it. I'll admit it looks clean, but that's cause it's practically factory. You've got some basic ground effects and some G-rims that look like they belong on an Escalade.

    Man, go all the way or go home.

  2. I know it's been said, but I wish my dad did this stuff with me. Instead I get yelled at when I fix my car or his car, because since he doesn't know anything about cars or engines, that means I don't either for some reason. The fact that you are doing stuff like this with your son is such a cool thing to me, because I know a few of my friend's dads are really cool about stuff like this, and I just wish my dad was.

    Anyway, the car looks great, you guys are really doing a great job.

    Thanks!!! Hopefully it gives my son some good memories to keep forever and maybe pass along to his children.

    Hmmm, yea me and my dad did some stuff like this once. And I still remember it. I'm sure he will.

    I can't wait to see it done!! :woot:
