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About usmc7980

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  1. usmc7980

    help with sundown

    After Jacob said a grounded wire might cause the amp to protect, I nit picked everything again yesterday and found that on the speaker reading 5.5 ohms, I had a loose wire at the crossover. I tightened that up and now it is reading normal. I think maybe the terminal rubbed on something and tripped the amp. I doubt that is a warranty repair but at least I think I know what caused it.
  2. usmc7980

    help with sundown

    I pulled all the speakers out of the doors and checked them. They are all good. All the wires are intact no frays or kinks in them. How would I know if a wire grounded? Is there anything I can do on my end to check the amp and see what it is doing or do I need to send back to you. I sent 2 emails on your site explaining things. Let me know what I need to do, either keep working on it or send to you is fine with me.
  3. usmc7980

    help with sundown

    all the connections are correct and flowing power, jay-cee. I'll track down another amp and try what you said
  4. usmc7980

    help with sundown

    sounds like it may need to be looked at... perhaps jacob will chime in . That's what I'm thinking. The thing that concerns me is the one speaker at 5.5 ohms, but it is still in protection with all the speakers and RCA's unhooked so now I'm not sure about that one speaker...... I would hook up the main battery lead,the ground and the remote turn on lead nothing else and see if it goes into protection mode if it does and you have a soid ground and good battery voltage ,it is probaly an amp issue if it doesn't, hook up a speaker at a time up till the protection light comes on and look at that perticular speaker. That is is exactly what I have now, power, ground and remote only and it is still in protection.
  5. usmc7980

    help with sundown

    sounds like it may need to be looked at... perhaps jacob will chime in . That's what I'm thinking. The thing that concerns me is the one speaker at 5.5 ohms, but it is still in protection with all the speakers and RCA's unhooked so now I'm not sure about that one speaker......
  6. usmc7980

    help with sundown

    I just removed the the power, ground, remote, speaker and RCA's and let it sit awhile. I hooked everything back up and it still is in protection. When I turn on the deck the power LED flashed and then it turns to the protection and the power goes out.
  7. usmc7980

    help with sundown

    Amp is mounted to the floor board of my Explorer. I have unhooked the speaker wires but not the rest, I'll try that and see what happens. Thanks
  8. usmc7980

    help with sundown

    Forgive me if this is dumb, The red protection led came on no my sax 100.4 this morning. I tested the speakers and the right front reads 4.3 ohms the left front reads 5.5 ohms and both bak read 4.2 ohms. I know a speaker short can cause the protection to come on. Is the 5.5 a short or would it read OL on the meter?