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Everything posted by Bob345

  1. Bob345

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Any one else watch the American top gear today. A dog pissed on their stage.
  2. Bob345

    new setup help

    You could also make a seald box that is large enough to ad an aero port later. I did that and decided I liked ported
  3. Bob345

    Fi Q Action

    Nice!! The fi q seems to be becoming more and more popular around here. I have a single 18 and a loving it!! But I havent put more than 250 watts on it yet, but Thats gona change soon.
  4. Bob345

    new setup help

    If this is your first box, I would try seald
  5. Bob345

    Difference between 15" and 12" sub

    Well you came to the right place, and what subs did you buy?
  6. Bob345

    Next Year Blowthrough Build

    Looks great!!, can't wait to see this become a reality. Looks like it could move some air
  7. Bob345

    Difference between 15" and 12" sub

    a 15 could play all frequencies a 12 could just the 15 would play all frequencies at a higher volume because a 15 displaces more air than a 12. More surface area means more radiating surface that can displace air
  8. Bob345

    Difference between 15" and 12" sub

    Fs just states the drivers resonant frequency
  9. Bob345

    Component Set Opinions

    Did your car ever have an option for an upgraded sound system?
  10. Bob345

    Difference between 15" and 12" sub

    The tentions for the Tom and bass drum heads are different
  11. Bob345

    Component Set Opinions

    The crecendo 6.5's seem to have good reviews and are just $100!
  12. Bob345

    2010 LA Auto Show!

    Does that van have a hard wood floor?!?!?!
  13. Bob345

    Hey SSA

    Thanks guys. I found the site by clicking on the forum link on the Fi Car Audio site. Lol, found this place the same way. Welcome!
  14. Iv heard that they are the same as deka batts could be wrong though
  15. Bob345

    Btl update

    3/4 inches
  16. Bob345

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just had the worlds best apple pie
  17. Re audio has those xxx 6.5's they look realy nice, haven't heard them myself
  18. Bob345

    Subwoofers in Unique Enclosure.

    That is awesome looking. For anyone else interested in this as much as me, here's the website link: don't click here, click here. Those guys have some nice stuff! I like how they layer plywood together to make the enclosures
  19. Bob345

    small car + small power = lots of vibration :)

    Those doors look like they are about to fall off!! Lol
  20. Bob345

    Stinger Pro 50 Farad Capacitor Give Away!

    I'd make an insane coil gun with that capacitor
  21. Bob345

    Black FiDay Sale

    Any set time that these will be up for sale?
  22. Always buy more than you think you will need.
  23. Bob345

    Another Scam...

    but he is in Germany
  24. Bob345

    A/V Suggestions on Room Entertainment

    Personaly, I think home built is always better and cheaper when it comes to home audio. If you can find some nice fullrangers , they could work prety well with music, movies, ect. If not, those paradigms that nem recomended look nice!