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Posts posted by bubblyjock

  1. If you end up going the BTL route don't go about cranking the gains on the Sundown just because the BTL can take more power than the SSD. I am sure you knew that I just figured I would throw it out there. In terms of it being louder to the ear, I don't think you will notice it until you up the power. I went from a DC Level 3 15" to a DC XL 15" on the same amp for a while and if anything the XL sounded a tad big quiet, due to the fact it was barely moving on a 1000 watts.

  2. Great vid!!! That sub seems to hit really low. Are you planning on putting that box in a different way??

    I built it so it could be flipped but having it this way gives me the best sound in the car which is what I want. The factory system had two 8's in the rear deck for the lows and I took them out. With the Sub up and port up I get the most sound coming through that area and having it faced to the rear sounded mudded, I could face it forward and lower the rear seats but then I couldn't have too many passengers. So I feel as this being the best of both worlds, just need to deal with the rattle on the outside of the car somehow.

  3. Hey guys I know this doesn't compare to almost all the system videos here but I figured I would show it. Its a DC XL 15" off a Sundown Saz-1500d in my 08' Pontiac G8 Gt, I made the box to 3.5 cubes and its approximate tune is between 35-37. I took this video basically after everything was hooked up so it is really messy so I apologize for that, I just really wanted to hear some tunes. I hope I don't get bashed for the Sub up-port up configuration of the box but with my previous box and sub this gave me the best sound inside the car. So now on with the video of my baby system. th_P1000214.jpg

  4. I sent Christopher (CR-V) money on the 15th and the sub was here on the 21st!! Everything was how he said it was brand new in the box. Man can I say this thing is huge!!! It is a DC Level 4XL 15", and it makes my 12" Fi SSD look like a baby. Again thanks CR-V!!!!

  5. Think of it this way,

    The more Jacob sells, the more money he has for research and development. That is a win for everyone.

    Jacob, I hope you sell the shit out of your product and that one day I do see your amps in my local Best Buy.


    I sure hope not because then Best Buy would wonder why all the awesome Power Acoustik subs they have hooked up to the Sundown amps keep blowing up!

  6. Eh everyone on here talks highly of them so if I can pick one up for a good price I might as well, if the Audiopipe is working well I wouldn't change it out for the Sundown, just have it laying around for a rainy day. Plus I need to get as much stuff as I can now since I will be getting married next year!!

  7. Well ended up not going with the MTX and instead just purchased a Audiopipe AP15001D. I heard some bad but mostly good about it so I am giving it a try, hell for $165 why not. I will still be checking the Classifieds for a used SAZ-1000D because I really think that would work perfectly with the SSD. Thanks for the feedback guys!

  8. Hey everyone thanks for reading this. This isn't my first go round with putting a system in a car just the first time I have been in this type of situation. Yesterday I ordered a SSD12 with Dual 2, FW and BP, already have the car wired with 1/0 Gauge, a 2.1 cuft box at 34hz built that was actually going to be for a different subwoofer, but recently found out about Fi and was completely smitten by the product, plus it would work in the box I had built so I got it. Now knowing that RMS on the SSD is 800w I don't really want to pass up the deal I have had presented. A friend of mine had purchased a complete system that he was going to install into his truck but just got laid off and wants to sell his amp and sub's to me real bad. Don't really want the subs but the amp has my interest peaked. Its a MTX Thunder Elite TE1501D and I have heard pretty good things about it after reading up on it, plus he only wants $300. What I want to know is that at 1 ohm the amp will be putting out 1500 watts rms would I be safe running it at that with the SSD wired parallel at 1 ohm? If so what would I do to safe guard myself? If not then do you think running at 500 watts rms at 4 ohms would be adequate enough? If none of the above what amp would you suggest? Thanks guys I sure hope this hasn't been covered recently because I sure as heck couldn't find it. Thanks again!

  9. Welcome to ssa, congratulations on your purchase. Be sure to post a build log with lots and lots of pictures and videos! Were picture whores here :P

    Will do, I would have gone with two SSD's but its going into a Pontiac G8 and I still want a little trunk space. Oh wait who am I kidding the fiancée still wants some trunk space, I should just tell her to drive her own damn car. Oh well one 12" should give me the sound that I'm looking for. Thanks for the warm welcome!
