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Everything posted by Luke.H

  1. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What's your take on the idrive Sean?
  2. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've figured that was why you never included the Range in your list. Top Gear has a massive boner for Range Rovers btw.
  3. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sorry to hear that. I like the idea of the tractor. Some of my best memories with the old man are from restoring cars with him.
  4. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    As odd as it was, the Gamecube controller was the most ergonomic ever imo. I liked it a lot. always loved the triggers on the GC controller.. i think i need to dust mine off and play some super smash bros Am I the only person that loved the N64 controller? I had a Playstation I'm sorry. I'm not. I'm a huge MGS fan.
  5. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    As odd as it was, the Gamecube controller was the most ergonomic ever imo. I liked it a lot. always loved the triggers on the GC controller.. i think i need to dust mine off and play some super smash bros Am I the only person that loved the N64 controller? I had a Playstation
  6. The decision will be dependent on what features you require. Pretty much anything from the big 3 will be of suitable quality for a basic HU.
  7. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'd like to see pictures when you're done. Sounds pretty cool.
  8. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If you're refering to what I think you are, yea, me too. It is somewhat comical imo.
  9. Luke.H

    Picking the right sub for this setup?

    So you're saying a 10" sealed? Facing up or front? Cause either way would work. I just purchased a sa10 and I could sell to him, we just didnt think a 10 would fit the way we wanted to or at least sound good the way we want it to. I don't know enough about your space constraints to give you any solid advice. Get that figured out first as stated. I wouldn't go sealed if you have the room to port. I was speaking in generalities. Usually a 10" will work with a similar net volume as an 8" in a ported enclosure. Especially a low tuned one.
  10. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    God damn I fucking hate getting colds.
  11. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Would it do everything you need it to do? Never been in one, but it looks like the Merc would have more space. Why exactly do you need an SUV? Couldn't you get away with something like an M5 or E63 AMG etc? You can't pull a boat or sled trailer with an M5 or the E63. Oh, right. Couldn't with a Panamera either though could you? I thought he had a truck too. No, had. POS chevrolet shit. Wanted to simplify my life and keep all my toys garaged. Double shitty
  12. Luke.H

    Picking the right sub for this setup?

    I wouldn't use an 8". Especially sealed. It won't have enough output for your goals. The box for a 10" will be similar in net volume to what you would need for an 8" and you'll have the cone area advantage.
  13. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Would it do everything you need it to do? Never been in one, but it looks like the Merc would have more space. Why exactly do you need an SUV? Couldn't you get away with something like an M5 or E63 AMG etc? You can't pull a boat or sled trailer with an M5 or the E63. Oh, right. Couldn't with a Panamera either though could you? I thought he had a truck too.
  14. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I agree, but with the exception of the Aventador. x2, I didn't like it much at first but I it has grown on me. Hated the Murcielago This is the only Lambo I've liked aside from the Miura. The rear "windshield" is just so cool
  15. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm sure they do. I'd have a hard time believing they don't. Then again, people are dumb.
  16. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Would it do everything you need it to do? Never been in one, but it looks like the Merc would have more space. Why exactly do you need an SUV? Couldn't you get away with something like an M5 or E63 AMG etc?
  17. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Agreed. x2 from the front it's sexy in white.
  18. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I agree, but with the exception of the Aventador.
  19. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Too bad the Panamera is so fucking ugly. It'd be a sweet car if not for that. I am too old to care. For me the car needs to stir my inside and be nice on the inside, if its ugly on the outside I don't give a fuck. Obviously considering I am driving a soccer mom truck, lol. From the front it's not bad. It's the ass that kills it. Just get a 911 Turbo, to hell with practicality. Can't drive one of those daily with 2 children. It has back seats
  20. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Too bad the Panamera is so fucking ugly. It'd be a sweet car if not for that. I am too old to care. For me the car needs to stir my inside and be nice on the inside, if its ugly on the outside I don't give a fuck. Obviously considering I am driving a soccer mom truck, lol. From the front it's not bad. It's the ass that kills it. Just get a 911 Turbo, to hell with practicality.
  21. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    LOVE LOVE LOVE that car. Have you seen the episode of Top Gear where they test it along with the Rapide and Quattroporte? I love the Quattroporte
  22. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Too bad the Panamera is so fucking ugly. It'd be a sweet car if not for that.
  23. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How are you liking the new wakeboard? Happy with the length? I could handle longer, but considering it feels stable when I go big and am clearing w2w at 75' I like it Glad you like it. Too bad the seasons coming to an end. I see it differently. Snowmobile season is coming soon!! I see it as Snowboarding season is coming soon I've never ridden a snowmobile before, but would like to give it a try one day.
  24. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How are you liking the new wakeboard? Happy with the length? I could handle longer, but considering it feels stable when I go big and am clearing w2w at 75' I like it Glad you like it. Too bad the seasons coming to an end.
  25. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How are you liking the new wakeboard? Happy with the length?