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Everything posted by Luke.H

  1. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    where? how? I downloaded it. It should be up streaming somewhere online by tomorrow too.
  2. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Watching the new Top Gear special
  3. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    24 games of 9 ball, I won 14 I wish we were playing for cash.
  4. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    7 hours of playing pool and a bottle of tequila last night. Fuck
  5. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's been a weird winter here. It's 65 degrees outside right now, I don't think we're getting snow by Saturday.
  6. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Baby Jesus came to me in a dream and told me you should extend the same to me for a few more weeks. My dog has an incurable disease and my wife left me for my younger sister. Plx thx I cant wait for this years Christmas special
  7. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ORRR you can have a ski hill be as part of your campus so it's ridiculously cheap for students! http://www.aux.mtu.edu/aux_joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=121&Itemid=66/ That's pretty sick. A pass at the place I go to was $150, but I go 10+ times a year so it's not bad.
  8. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Got some cans today. Shure 440s, from reading reviews they seemed like a good choice in my price range. Wish I could use open backs though. S80s would be nice
  9. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have the same problem on my PS3. If you don't play enough it's a PITA. Last time I wanted to play my PS3 and that game needed to be updated. It ended up taking all night to finish downloading and installing.
  10. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah they actually opened up some runs on Mt.Lemon which is about 40 minutes away from me. Supposedly it's not that great, but I use to go to a rich snobby high school. Or I can go up to Flagstaff which is only like 4 hours away, but I'm broke either way, and when I could possibly afford it I'd rather spend the money on the car. I can relate it's a ridiculously expensive thing to get into So I hear I actually almost went when I was in Santa Fe last month, but we were a week too early and the runs hadn't been opened yet. If you get a chance it's definitely worth trying. Everyone I've ever taken has had a blast.
  11. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah they actually opened up some runs on Mt.Lemon which is about 40 minutes away from me. Supposedly it's not that great, but I use to go to a rich snobby high school. Or I can go up to Flagstaff which is only like 4 hours away, but I'm broke either way, and when I could possibly afford it I'd rather spend the money on the car. I can relate it's a ridiculously expensive thing to get into
  12. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    From what I hear it doesn't take long to pick up. It's a good time. Are there places to ski in AZ or would you have to travel a bit?
  13. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I can't skate anymore either and I'm only 20. I don't really miss it though. Falling gets old pretty quick on concrete.
  14. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've never ski'd so I'm not sure how long it takes to learn, but if you go boarding go at least twice to see if you like it. Most people spend their first day on their ass. I did
  15. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm gonna try to go out to Snowshoe sometime in the next few weeks. If I had a helmet cam it'd provide something a little more entertaining
  16. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sounds fun, got a helmet cam? Lol, there wouldn't be much to see. Dinky little place in Indiana and I spend most of my time in the park.
  17. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm going snowboarding for the first time this season on Saturday. Makes the cold worth it
  18. Luke.H

    New system... help me pick!

    ^This is terrible advice. X2 the Gti is a very nice driver. If that's what you want don't let the fact that they're a big box brand discourage you.
  19. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Does anyone have an opinion on orthodynamic headphones? I have been looking into a set of cans to use at work and came across a review of some Fostex orthos and have been reading what info I can find on this type of headphone.
  20. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I hate accounting, when I finish this exam tomorrow I'm going to be so happy. Then I get to start managerial accounting in January
  21. Really sorry to hear that about the Camaro Great score though, hope you get it fixed soon and it all works out. I'm always impressed by your TC Jon.
  22. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    See the Herman Cain videos with Mike Tyson? Pizza Pthursday, lol
  23. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Anyone see the UC XU game? Never been so proud to be a UC fan.
  24. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's a big bitch Stefan. Congrats
  25. Luke.H

    What 8" sub would you choose???

    You need to include more information if you want to allow others to effectively help you. Read this to get an idea of what you should include when you make a thread asking a question like this