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Everything posted by willispwns

  1. willispwns

    2 Fi X 12's or one SSD 15?

    I am relatively new to car audio and brand new to the forum but I love the quality and build of Fi subs and I need to be a part of it!. I am torn though, I've got an amp that puts out 640 watts rms and I can't decide between picking up two of the 12" black Fi day specials or one 15" SSD? The SSD is a bit more, but what do you guys think? Any help is greatly appreciated!
  2. willispwns

    2 Fi X 12's or one SSD 15?

    I just ordered two of the fiday 12's, pretty stoked! Based on your experience, what would you recommend for box size and tuning? I like listening to a lot of rap/dupstep and want decent sq but still be able to get loud. So I was thinking around 2.2 ft^3 per sub tuned @ around 32hz. Any help is very much appreciated!
  3. willispwns

    2 Fi X 12's or one SSD 15?

    Thanks for the tip. I am mainly looking for SQ but still be able to get loud doing it. I've got no real limits for enclosure size, massive trunk, and I know how to design/build a decent box. So are you saying the SSD in a large efficient box would be optimal or the 12's because of the cone area?