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Everything posted by 9512ss

  1. 9512ss

    Explorer, AA Havocs, RF T10001bds = Vids!!!

    I love Kingpin Skinny Pimp...
  2. 9512ss

    Fi Team Shirts

    I assume I'm to late...
  3. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    Would two 15 inch RL-Ps be choked in 3.2 cubes sealed for both woofers? Would Polyfill help at all? Thanks
  4. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    thats what i was thinkngi but just asking ihm to go ahead and cut the holes so he can still do the covering then i can add aeros later. i found a good deal on some big equipment for my jeep so i may go that route and just throw an rli or something int he camaro for now
  5. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    i sent him an email about a ported box and he didnt really seem to sure about the whole idea of a tuning frequency i desired his reply was yes, i can add more port, when i asked if i could choose a desired tuning frequency
  6. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    you guys think if i ordered the like 3.2 box for a single fifteen and had him add two holes to my desired width i could just throw the aeroports in myself so i know they are right?
  7. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    where can youg et aeroports at now days?
  8. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    i may have to do that but i just really wanted it to have the beauty board for when its in the well... and the guy builds ported boxes, i just dont know if they are reasonably tuned or what
  9. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    i understand its pretty easy but i dont have the tools or space to do it... that is the problem
  10. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    i owuld like to do the ported deal but i dont have the knowledge tools or ability to build one and i dont trust the guy to make one... someone want to build me one for my 95 z28?
  11. 9512ss

    Sound Check Comp July 29th Indiana

    Yes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ok cool i have a some friends THE have been watning to get metered
  12. 9512ss

    F-Body Install

    yea i know
  13. 9512ss

    F-Body Install

    What's Up Guys? I just recently bought a camaro and was wanting to develop a substage in it. I think I'm going to buy a subthump enclosure and was wondering what you guys thought I should do. They offer a deepwell enclosure whihc is what I was thnking of getting. I was wondering if 2 sealed RL-P 15's would be choked in 3.2 cubes or not? I have always used 12s and think 15s owuld be cool to use. The deep well box offers 3.2 cubes and then normal well enclosure offers 2.3 cubes. Deep Well Woofer Options-Single 12 or 15, and Dual 12 or 15 So Give me some ideas within these guidelines please. Thanks.
  14. 9512ss

    F-Body Install

    yea i talked to jntar over on ca.com and i am going to discuss osme things with him on aim tonight but i think i may do a single ported Mag 15
  15. 9512ss

    Sound Check Comp July 29th Indiana

    will this be a new termlab?
  16. 9512ss

    Car was stolen last night

    im really sorry to hear that man, that was a very sexy car
  17. I know most of you guys probably don't use Kicker, but I found an awesome deal from an awesome local seller for a pair of the Kicker RS 6.5 inch components and a Kicker ZX350.2 amp. No stores sell the higher models of Kicker gear so I was wondering how you think these components would be?
  18. 9512ss

    Hello Guys

    ahhh Mr. D, our thread was locked on CA!!! lol
  19. 9512ss

    Hello Guys

    Name is Andy, and I'm usually on CA but I decided to join here in case I ever actually need an audio question answered. I know a few of you and know of most of you guys. So uhhh that's me guys.
  20. 9512ss

    Hello Guys

    pennis i presume?