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About puntaz

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  1. puntaz

    CDT Audio Classic vs. CDT Com-626

    i'm running cdt cl-62 and they are awesome. i paid 209 for the 6.5 woofers, tweets, and 6.5 coaxial rear fills. they blow away the alpine and kenwoods i had previously.
  2. puntaz

    SAX-1200D blowing fuses

    you should probably bump up the voltage on your loc. i know my head unit is around 4-5V output, and th previous loc I used i set on 4V output. someone can correct me if I'm wrong but 1-2V is very low for your rca's.
  3. puntaz

    SAX-1200D blowing fuses

    you should check the output voltage of your LOC. they have some settings that control it, which means you'll need to adjust your gain to match.
  4. puntaz

    SAX-1200D blowing fuses

    you said you're running stock head unit? does that mean you're using a line out convertor (LOC) ?
  5. puntaz

    SAX-1200D blowing fuses

    thats pretty odd then, i have my 1200 cranked max gain/subsonic/bass boost, and i've only blown my AGU fuses up to 50amp, never the ones in the amp itself.
  6. puntaz

    SAX-1200D blowing fuses

    what size fuses are you talking about, the ones on the headunit? i blew fuses on my distro block up to about 50amp, which is what i figured was about right for the 1200D.
  7. puntaz

    sundowns address

    upgrading from a 1200 to a 1500.
  8. puntaz

    sundowns address

    hi, is this still a valid address? making sure before I ship my amp, thanks.
  9. puntaz

    sax-1200d + 2x CDT QES2010

    I'm going to try and go to the 2500, jacob doesn't have the 2000 anymore he says. I also am looking at closing off the ports and maybe trying to go with a sealed box instead of ported as well. I'll keep you updated. It really thumps when everything is max so hopefully I can get a larger amp and that solves th eproblems thanks for all the suggestions.
  10. puntaz

    sax-1200d + 2x CDT QES2010

    thanks, i'll see what that route offers the upgrade to the 1500 wasn't very much so hopefully the 2000 is also in my range.
  11. puntaz

    sax-1200d + 2x CDT QES2010

    I am going to try to upgrade to the 1500 and leave it at that. I backed everything down to 75% today and I lost a lot of thump. I think it just isn't enough amp for what I need. I also couldn't remove my ground block because I forgot I had a capacitor grounded to it also. I don't think theres a power issue though. Like I said, it sounds great as long as I have the amp maxxed out but if I lower it, it just feels like I lose too much kick to the subs.
  12. puntaz

    sax-1200d + 2x CDT QES2010

    I have done a seat lift, so my seat is about 1.5" to 3" above the subs. There is no contact even at full volume. There was, until the seat raise I'll remove my ground distro block. I have 1/0ga from the truck frame through the floor to a ground distro, and then 4ga to the sax-1200d. I'll trim down the 1/0ga and run it directly to the amp. I'll also buy a grounding kit from tech12volts and get that done. I really have no problems with the system, just concerned that i'm running everything too high. I know its never recommended and as I can see from the replies in my thread I have a chance of burning up the amp.
  13. puntaz

    sax-1200d + 2x CDT QES2010

    kenwood dnx-9140 sundown sax-1200d 4ga power/w 50amp agu 1 farad capacitor cdt qes 1020 subs 2x ported box up firing by tech12volts.com installed in a nissan titan, up firing under rear seat. factory battery and factory alternator and i haven't done the big 3 yet. i'll see if i can borrow a clamp meter to get some amperage with voltage drops. lights are barely dimming inside the truck though.
  14. puntaz

    sax-1200d + 2x CDT QES2010

    possibly, but the subs are really awesome i'm very happy with them. I just don't want to burn up the amp and didn't realize i was only pushing 720W wired at 2ohm. the subs are around 429.99 each but i won a contest and ended up getting the pair for around 200 bucks. i'm very happy with the amp and the subs i am just making sure i'm not going to harm anything running the amp wide open if the subs can handle it, which it appears now that they can.
  15. puntaz

    sax-1200d + 2x CDT QES2010

    lol, better subs? so the 1200D is only putting out 500 RMS since its a 2ohm load and its being shared by 2 subs so basically 250 per sub? if that were the case shouldn't i be running the 1500D since these are 500 rms subs?