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Everything posted by pmureika

  1. what do you think would be good size? What group battery do you have under the hood? 3100s would be good for the rear.A D3400 for under the hood.
  2. xs batteries you can buy them in the ssa store.
  3. pmureika

    1,000w build

  4. pmureika


    You go thru the drivers faster than me Sean.
  5. I'm a bit confused by your post.. are you not aware that a lot of amps use the same board? Than what makes them different?
  6. why do people think you have to use the same brand amp as the driver?
  7. pmureika


    Money seems to be the driver in amp picking.
  8. pmureika

    any choice for subs?

    Are you just going to replace the existing sub with another?
  9. We need somebody with compition experiance to add their knowledge.
  10. get the biggest you can afford .
  11. Yes but how often do you listen to your music at full volume?
  12. You need 100amps per 1000rms I would think 200 to 250 would be plenty.
  13. I would get the biggest you can afford. But if at all possible add another battery at the amps first.
  14. How many watts do you have total between amps"? Do you listen to it like that alot with the lights dimming?
  15. Do you have upgraded batteries installed?
  16. pmureika

    No more enclosures

    Thanks for the quality enclosures you have built for me.
  17. pmureika

    New amp, muddy music.

    I would have to say the aq amp is better amp for your aplication
  18. pmureika

    S10 wont stop accelerating

    It will shut off in any gear but only start in park or neutral if it is a automatic. I would say the throttle stuck open for some reason being you didnt get a check engine light.
  19. pmureika

    SA12 Build help

    Yes I am new to the forums by the way haha. Welcome
  20. It means how much older people cant hear as well because of over exposure to loud sounds. genetics play a major roll in what each person hears
  21. pmureika

    SA12 VS VVX12 VS LI12

    I agree about the Fi ssd's they rock for the money.
  22. pmureika

    SA12 VS VVX12 VS LI12

    Not the subs the owner.
  23. pmureika

    SA12 VS VVX12 VS LI12

    and this is why jacob should have made it a secret that he did anything for this company... but then again he prolly didnt know he would act this way. I would have to agree.