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Status Updates posted by Crich03

  1. You mad at breakfast nigga???

  2. NFL needs the real refs back this is awful.

  3. WHAT A GAME!!! I love the Little League World Series!!!

  4. "Fun" run here I come!

  5. Uh oh Ryan Mallett is making the eagles starters look like 3rd stringers.

  6. Stuff keeps breaking in my car! smh #bassheadproblems

  7. With the Olympics starting all I can say is 'MERICA!!!

  8. What happened to accepting people's differences? Why is it that now you're public enemy number one for having a difference of opinion? I thought that is what made this country great? It's IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone happy about every issue!!! I'm done ranting now.

  9. I hate being sick!!!

  10. Black Dynamite is killing me!!! LMAO TOO FUNNY!!!

  11. Dark Knight Rises was DOPE!!!


  13. My own personal Breaking Bad marathon!!!#Netflix

  14. The Wood!!! This my movie!!!

  15. ROAD HOUSE!!!

  16. Walking Dead Marathon FTW!!!

  17. Spiderman in 3D in 1 hour!


    1. OuTLaWeD


      dude, i jusr realized you live in Alamoghetto! i lived there for 5yrs! it wasn't too bad back in 00'-05', but i went back out there a couple years back and it sucked! i use to live on Birdie Ct. the house thats straight ahead. nice area out there still though, but the rest of the town got rough

  19. Thunder Buddies for life!!!

  20. Doner Grill hit the spot.

  21. Who made a big plate of Spaghetti and ruined it with spoiled Parmesan cheese??? This Guy!!! FML!!!
