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Posts posted by rich00

  1. I'm getting away from a ported box with my X 10" and going small sealed like .6ft^3. So what kind of power would get it rocking pretty good. I'm thinking around 300 but currently have 160 on it and love it. I want more sq and not so loud as ported. I love the sub and don't want a different one just different sound.

  2. Well ill chime in and say the X are wonderful. I have an X 10" with 180 watts in a ported box and wow is all i can say. It is so musical yet plays plenty loud for me. Im still trying to figure out how to put it in my honda civic.

  3. Well i have no experience with new RE stuff. I would assume its decent but who knows :ughdunno: I personally bought a Fi X 10" and have 180 watts and it slams harder than my 2 RE re 8's off 400 watts. I love this Fi sub i would go look at there lines and see what kinda options they have for that money. I think SQ is great and spl is all i need at this point and its only a 10". My box is 1.14ft^3 tuned to 32hz just as reccomended.

  4. Okl first of all a bandpass box is terrible for daily. You should get yourself a custom made ported or sealed box. Next your subs are rated at 300watts rms each so you want between 500-600 watts rms for the pair. Buy a solid amp and get a real box and you will see what these subs are all about. You should also find out if you have dual voice coil subs or single voice coil subs so we know what ohm load you can run. Do some research on your speakers or just ship them to me.

  5. Well .8 isnt optimal but shouldnt cause too much issue. With a larger sealed enclosure the rms wattage of a sub typically goes down. I would put it in there and see how it sounds. Just watch your gains and you should be fine. Probably wont be as tight of bass as a smaller sealed enclosure but thats why i would try it out.

  6. I need a pair of inexpensive 5.25 for my doors of my explorer. I am gonna have about 60watts per channel. I dont wanna spend over $70 tbh im pretty broke right. The bostons I bought used were blown :suicide-santa: so I need some door speakers now. What would you recommend? I dont like harsh tweet want more natural sounding. I have had good luck with boston, old school orion, cdt, and image dynamics.

  7. So i have looked at the ported box design at the top of the page for an X 10". My question is how will this sub perform sealed in about .75ft^3? I know ill get more output out of the ported box and a little tighter bass from sealed. Is that 32hz tuning ideal for the X 10" I would assume since the fine folks at Fi posted that diagram and they know their speaker better than anyone. Once again im powering it off the back two channels of a JL J2 320.4 so around ~180 watts. Vehicle is a 1998 explorer so space isnt the issue at work here.

  8. So i only have like ~180 watts from the back two channels on my amp it is a JL J2 320.4. Im on a budget like mad here unfortunately and that amp was $99 not seeing anything else for that kinda money recently. So i snatched it up. I am running the front two channels on boston acoustic rallye series 5.25 co-ax, the back two channels will be bridged to a subwoofer that amp will do 60x4 at 4ohm 80x4 at 2 ohm. Ive read they are a tad bit underated so 160-180 watts is all i can expect. If i buy and X will that be enough amp sealed? I dont really think i wanna get a ported box right now. Ive not had bass for 3 years+ so im kinda starting out very slow but quality cause i may never upgrade again.
