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Everything posted by mikeyboc

  1. I want to run an active front stage. I am using an AC DQX and an Audison VRx 4.300. Here is a clip out of the manual: Is this the correct way to wire the set up? I just want another opinion before I run my tweeet off the bandpass output of the DQX, or something along those lines. (sorry for the crap diagram, but the middle section is the RCA inputs, and the speaker terminals are on the outsides). Thanks.
  2. NVM, after looking at the pic from the manual, I realize I posted the answer to my question in the first post. I am an idiot. LOL.
  3. LOL, I know to high pass the tweets. I just watned to see if those speaker terminals would correspond to the RCA inputs carrying the correct signal. Is there any way to see exactly what speaker terminals each RCA input sends the signal to? Things did seem a little off from what I have dealt with before. That is why I wanted to make sure I had all the inputs correct before continuing.
  4. mikeyboc

    Sub firing in SUV

    I am working on an SQ-oriented install and am trying to figure out where I want everything laid out. Anyway, is there any major drawback someone can come up with if I were to fire the subs up (sealed box)? I know the only true way to find out is to try it and see, but the box dimensions will be different depending on the direction (an I don't have time to build 2-4 boxes and find out). Any quick tips or ideas are greatly appreciated. ML
  5. mikeyboc

    Sub firing in SUV

    I had an idea that was going to be the case. Why can't chit work out the easy way
  6. mikeyboc

    Audison amps...

    I haven't used the LRx models or seen/heard them installed, but I have loved my VRx's while they were installed. They have found a temp home on my dining table until the rest of the equipment comes in however.